HyperTrack Android Maps utility library for google maps (DEPRECATED)

This library is DEPRECATED and not supported by Hypertrack team. Please do not depend on it and use your own solutions

Android HyperTrackViews SDK

HyperTrack lets you add live location tracking to your mobile app. Live location is made available along with ongoing activity, tracking controls and tracking outage with reasons.

HyperTrack Android Maps SDK is an implementation for HyperTrackViews SDK map adapter that allows to bind HyperTrackViews SDK with google maps and display tracking and static data in realtime. SDK provided access to functionality that helps with displaying current location, active and completed trips, including any map objects manipulations and customizations. The module exposes methods to add trips, add filter of trip displaying, move map camera to these objects, and interact with the map objects.

Publishable Key

We use Publishable Key to identify your devices. To get one:

  1. Go to the Signup page. Enter your email address and password.
  2. Open the verification link sent to your email.
  3. Open the Setup page, where you can copy your Publishable Key.



project stage:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name 'hypertrack'
            url 'http://m2.hypertrack.com'

app stage:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:hypertrack-views:0.6.0' // !important >= 0.6.0
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:maps-google:0.1.1'


HyperTrackViews hyperTrackViews = HyperTrackViews.getInstance(context, "HYPERTRACK_PUB_KEY");

GoogleMapAdapter mapAdapter = new GoogleMapAdapter(googleMap, GoogleMapConfig.newBuilder(context).build());
hyperTrackMap = HyperTrackMap.getInstance(context, mapAdapter);
// Enable device location tracking via LocationManager
hyperTrackMap.bind(new GpsLocationProvider(mContext));
// Bind HyperTrackMap and HyperTrackViews together to display device location and trips updates from HyperTrack
hyperTrackMap.bind(hyperTrackViews, deviceId);


HyperTrack hyperTrack = HyperTrack.getInstance(this, "HYPERTRACK_PUB_KEY");
String deviceId = hyperTrack.getDeviceID();

HyperTrackViews hyperTrackViews = HyperTrackViews.getInstance(context, "HYPERTRACK_PUB_KEY");

GoogleMapAdapter mapAdapter = new GoogleMapAdapter(googleMap, GoogleMapConfig.newBuilder(context).build());
hyperTrackMap = HyperTrackMap.getInstance(context, mapAdapter);
hyperTrackMap.bind(hyperTrackViews, deviceId);

mapAdapter.addTripFilter(new Predicate<Trip>() {
    public boolean apply(Trip trip) {
        return <your condition to display trip>;

MapTrip mapTrip = mapAdapter.addTrip(trip);
// mapTrip.remove() if it's not more needed on the map.


Change the styles of displaying objects on the map in two ways.

in style.xml

<style name="AppTheme">

        <item name="hyperTrackMapStyle">@style/HyperTrackMap</item>

<style name="HyperTrackMap">
        <item name="myLocationIcon">@drawable/icon_drive_base_transparent</item>
        <item name="myLocationBearingIcon">@drawable/icondrive</item>
        <item name="tripDestinationIcon">@drawable/ic_destination_marker</item>
        <item name="tripRouteColor">@color/black</item>
        <item name="tripCompletedOriginIcon">@drawable/ic_source_marker</item>
        <item name="tripCompletedDestinationIcon">@drawable/ic_destination_marker</item>
        <item name="tripCompletedRouteColor">@color/black</item>

or in code

GoogleMapConfig.TripOptions tripOptions = GoogleMapConfig.newTripOptions()
                .tripDestinationMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                        .anchor(0.5f, 0.5f)
                .tripComingRoutePolyline(new PolylineOptions()
                        .pattern(Collections.<PatternItem>singletonList(new Dash(mapRouteWidth))));
GoogleMapConfig mapConfig = GoogleMapConfig.newBuilder(context)

How it works

You can use Maps in two ways.

The first is just to bind HyperTrackMap and HyperTrackViews to a specific device. After that, just subscribe a trip hyperTrackMap.subscribeTrip(tripId). HyperTrackMap will manage all updates and displays .

The second way to work directly with GoogleMapAdapter and to manage all updates via adapter interface. For example add trip with addTrip(trip), it will return MapTrip, after that you have to update mapTrip.update(trip) on trip update event from Views SDK.


HyperTrack Tracking Sample

HyperTrack Views Sample

Ridesharing Sample