Documentation is not enough the call back is never called.
scavezze opened this issue · 9 comments
I have followed the directions exactly. but the urlHandler never fires. I am running into this issue
i have followed the directions above to cextend the native script activity but It precludes using your handler witch i really like because it helps pars the url and will work on ios. I tried adding
protected onNewIntent(intent: android.content.Intent): void {
instead of
protected onNewIntent(intent: android.content.Intent): void {
if (intent.getDataString) {
let data = intent.getDataString()
if (data) {
console.log('data', data)
This solves the issue and i can use your plugin without issue unfortunately this seems to break the ActionBar -> ActionItem click event i am not sure why
have you run into these issues using your plugin? am i missing something. I would really appreciate your help.
@scavezze you need to add android:launchMode="singleTask"
to your activity in your AndroidManifest.xml
. This will certainly resolve your issue. I've had to solve this exact problem before.
@scavezze Did I need to add the JavaProxy decorator and the extend?
Will try to add it to my plugin if needed
@roblav96 it's already set to single task
android:exported="true" >
I noticed 2 changes were made tho one for the docs and one other one so let me get the latest and try it out
@hypery2k I think your really close i have tried whats currently avail and the following line throws a exception;
I think don't think you need that and the
protected onNewIntent(intent: android.content.Intent): void {
if (intent.getDataString) {
is called every time you receive a external link so i think you just need to remove that line then change handleIntent to something like this
export function handleIntent(intent: any) {
let data = intent.getData();
if (data !== lastReceivedData) {
try {
if (new String(intent.getAction()).valueOf() === new String(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW).valueOf()) {
lastReceivedData = data;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Unknown error during getting App URL data', e);
I modified my local version to what i recommended above and it works but again it stops the ActionBar -> ActionItem event from working. gonna try and figure that out .
ActionBar -> ActionItem event is not a issue with the linking. I think it's something with when i am changing routes in the handler
maybe you have to wrap it in a zone with the 0.4.0 version of your plugin works also so i will leave it upto you if you want to change to use protected onNewIntent(intent: android.content.Intent): void { or jsut add it to your documentation.
I am new to Nativescript/Typescript so I will look into zones