- 0
Mark this repository as deprecated
#169 opened by vallemar - 1
Add support for NativeScript 8+
#162 opened by serhiynovos - 1
Plugin fails to load for Vue project
#155 opened by dcolley - 26
The plugin doesn't work on iOS
#88 opened by meysam-mahmoodi - 0
Android, Not redirecting to app after login in mobile browser(MIC Login)
#119 opened by itsmerockingagain - 13
- 6
- 10
apple-app-site-association / applinks
#83 opened by philipmclifton - 0
Relative Path Interpretation Issues
#98 opened by keithgulbro - 2
- 1
Up to date documentation for NS cli 6 and web URLs
#93 opened by Lehren - 17
This plugin overrides any existing AppDelegate
#24 opened by speigg - 1
Empty params
#90 opened by panagulis72 - 0
Callback sometimes not called
#89 opened by DanielePetraliaDev - 2
New patch release?
#87 opened by shiv19 - 0
Unable to open URL
#86 opened by BigWillie - 0
Is it supporting bitcoin:XXX url scheme?
#85 opened by mayureshjadhav - 2
- 1
Can this console log be removed please
#84 opened by shiv19 - 1
App URL doesn't work on Android
#79 opened by MustafaCa - 6
callback only called when app wasn't running
#69 opened by Burgov - 3
not working properly when app is closed
#82 opened by karo-dc - 1
Get URI parts
#76 opened by robregonm - 0
- 3
Callback never called on iOS
#77 opened by captainhaddockfr35 - 5
Intent data is null when resuming app
#58 opened by mcrvaz - 0
Callback handling issue on iOS
#74 opened by tucazinul - 8
I always get blank component page when I call router.navigateByUrl() in handleOpenURL()?
#71 opened by indianazhao - 5
Bundling using nativescript-dev-webpack fails
#49 opened by rezonjov - 2
Angular: No callback provided
#70 opened by b-hobbs - 2
- 0
- 3
- 6
Empty URL parameters on Android
#32 opened by mcrvaz - 1
NativeScript 3 Compatibility
#39 opened by hypery2k - 4
- 0
Intent-Action not matching
#22 opened by hypery2k - 0
Cannot read property 'toString' of null
#21 opened by hypery2k - 9
- 6
- 0
urhandler should only be triggered once
#9 opened by hypery2k - 1
non-angular version of usage please ? [request]
#12 opened by c1ngular - 0
Add Unit tests
#2 opened by hypery2k