This web app uses the GitHub API to join and show *nicely- the projects/repositories of any subscripted co-operative from over the world.
It is strictly limited to co-operative enterprises.
The main goal is to find in-the-same-place all the open source projects that can be used to start others, be consumed or motivate collaboration.
- Fork this repo.
- Add your co-op in the cooperatives.yml file:
description: <DESCRIPTION>
location: <LOCATION>
- Add-commit-push and send us a Pull Request!
It uses the Elixir Phoenix Framework for the back-end and ReactJS for the front-end. Then, to run this app you will need:
- Erlang OTP >= 18
- Elixir >= 1.5
- NodeJS >= 5.0
ENV var ir order to authenticate with the GitHub APIv3. Read the guide.
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix server with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
- GET api/orgs (all the coops)
- GET api/orgs/:name (detail of a coop)
- GET api/orgs/:name/repos (repos of a coop)
- GET api/repos (all coops repos)
- GET api/search?q=term_to_search
- GET api/topics (all the repos topics)
- GET api/languages (all the programming languages with bytes and %)
- GET api/languages/:lang (the repos using the lang)
- Numbersort