Bejeweled Bot, by @Hypn and @RC1140 Target: Info: * game board is 296x296 pixels * blocks are 36x36 pixels with 1px border around it * colours (decimal in brackets): 0xE49CDF = purple (14654692) 0x2F5CF3 = red (15948847) 0x52EFFF = yellow (16772946) 0xFFF58E = blue (9369087) 0xF7F7F7 = white (16250871) 0x29A431 = green (3253289) 0x449FFD = orange (16621380) * offset X = 19px * offset Y = 26px Tools: * AutoIt: Functions of interest: * PixelSearch - finds a pixel of a given colour in a range ( * PixelGetColor - gets the colour of a specific pixel/location ( * MouseClick - for input and automating playing of the game ( * see also "autoit_memory_functions.au3" for reading memory values (determining game state)