Horrible setup/installation notes:

install nodejs 13 for windows - https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/

checkout repo

npm install frida-mono-api
npm install frida-inject

replace "node_modules\frida-mono-api\src\mono-api.js" with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoSecure/frida-mono-api/extra/src/mono-api.js

replace "node_modules\frida-mono-api\src\mono-api-helper.js" with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoSecure/frida-mono-api/extra/src/mono-api-helper.js

To print out the methods and fields of the "TakeDamage" class in the "198X" game:

node injector.js 198X.exe enumerator-test.js

Sample output

    "address": "0xe8733e0",
    "methods": {
        "Damage": {
            "address": "0xe887610",
            "jit_address": "0x1082bd20"
    "fields": {
        "isPlayerCharacter": {
            "address": "0xe8873d0",
            "offset": "0x1c",
            "type": "boolean"

To apply my hacks to "198X":

node injector.js 198X.exe 198X-hacks.js

Sample output:

Injected "198X-hacks.js" into 198X.exe

[*] STARTED PLAYING: The Runaway
[+] Collision! Removing speed loss and disabling wipeout
[+] Collision! Removing speed loss and disabling wipeout
[+] Collision! Removing speed loss and disabling wipeout
[+] Collision! Removing speed loss and disabling wipeout

[*] STARTED PLAYING: Kill Screen
[+] Player took RPG damage: 31, health (before damage) was: 99
[+] Resetting RPG health to: 99
[+] Player took RPG damage: 33, health (before damage) was: 99
[+] Resetting RPG health to: 99