
Python images converter (crop, resize, etc) with upload and caching

Primary LanguagePython

Python images server

Images converting and storing service. Allow to crop, resize, rotate images on-fly.

Has modular architecture with different storage and caches available.


Just use this image in your docker-compose:

version: '3'
    image: hypnocapybara/images-server
      - ./uploads:/app/uploads
      - "5000:80"

And it goes to 5000 port


Has following operations:

  1. POST /upload with file parameter. Will save provided file in chosen storage and on success return:

    "hash": "<hash>",
    "status": "success"
  2. GET /image/<hash> will return saved image.

    Also possible to perform operations pipeline: /image/<hash>/resize/x200/crop/e200x200

  3. Crop: GET /image/<hash>/crop/<gravity><width>x<height>, ex: c200x200

    Possible gravity values:

    • 'nw' - 'north_west',
    • 'n' - 'north',
    • 'ne' - 'north_east',
    • 'w' - 'west',
    • 'c' - 'center',
    • 'e' - 'east',
    • 'sw' - 'south_west',
    • 's' - 'south',
    • 'se' - 'south_east'
  4. Resize: GET /image/<hash>/resize/<geometry> ex: 200x

    Geometry examples:

    • 200x200 - specified size
    • x100 - height = 100px, width calculated automatically
    • 300x200> if larger than 300x200, fit within box, preserving aspect ratio

    Other examples at ImageMagic documentation: https://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php#geometry

  5. Combined: GET /image/<hash>/resize/400x400/crop/n100x100

  6. External images: GET /external?url=<external_image_url>&operations=<operations>

    Possible <operations> are listed above

    <external_image_url> must contain valid external image

    Default cache will be used to store the processed image. If you want to update the image (for example, it was changed, but URL is just the same), you may add reset_cache=1 GET param to the URL, ex:

    GET /external?url=<external_image_url>&operations=<operations>&reset_cache=1

    But pay attention, that with this param, the image will be always downloaded, that may slow down the request.

  7. Delete image: DELETE /image/<hash>

    response with code 200:

    "status": "success"

    or with code = 404, if image is not exists:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "file not found"


  • Make core - upload, view, basic transforms
  • Implement filesystem cache
  • Dockerize it!
  • Publish docker image
  • New URL for images from external sources
  • Redis, (memcached?) caches Bad idea. Just use NGINX as cache
  • Environment setup: choose cache, storage, disable upload, etc...
  • Delete images
  • Tests
  • Smart crop


  • Images filters