
Turf war game built upon Downstream that uses Sky Strife as the combat layer

Primary LanguageSolidity

Turf Wars

A game built on Downstream which uses Sky Strife as the combat layer. This was House B's efforts during the Autonomous Anonymous 2024 hackathon event.

The Game

Fight to paint the map!

  • Move to an unpainted tile to paint it for your team
  • Building a "Turf Wars Base" will paint all unpainted squares in a large radius
  • Start a game of Sky Strife at any base. The winner will paint all tiles around it

The team with the most painted tiles when the timer ends is the winner

The Techicals

We were developing locally during the hack so the process to test the game is to start a local instance of Sky Strife by following the instructions on their Github repo https://github.com/latticexyz/skystrife-public. The commit we were running this hack on was cc96480c3148c3ea139cbb8da026ade34e7d086b

We are also running Downstream https://github.com/playmint/ds locally with a slightly doctored config to make it point to the anvil instance that Sky Strife spins up.

  • .devstartup.js was edited remove the command that starts up anvil
  • core/src/cog.ts was edited to use networkID: '31337
  • frontend/public/config.json was edited to use networkID: '31337
  • Downstream started by running make dev from the project root

When both projects are running we can then deploy Turf Wars by running the following at the root of the project

  npm ci && ./deploy-local.sh

The private keys in the .env file are the default anvil keys when no mnemonic is specified.

Project Layout

The downstream folder contains the Downstream building contracts and the map for the game. These are applied to a Downstream zone via the ds cli tool.

The main logic to the game is found in the Zone contract. Interactions with this contract are done via the UI found in buildings.


  • The TurWarsHQ building is frontend only. It's used as a UI interface to join a team and reset the game.
  • The Base building the interface to starting matches and claiming wins via the intermediary TurfWars contract.
  • The StartBuilding has two yaml files for each of the team's starting positions. It is frontend only and is used as an interface to set a team as ready

The contracts folder contains the InitTurfWars.s.sol script which uses interfaces from Downstream and Skystrife to make the two Downstream buildings aware of each other, get the address of the Sky Strife Orb token and fund the battle building with orbs so that it is able to create matches.


  • Win state (Which side has the most tiles after the timer has run out)
    • Medals for winning (air drop if possible)
  • UI
    • Clearer which team you're on when clicking the start buildings
    • Being able to leave after joining (Big task due to the way we manage the team list)
    • Choosing your team instead of being assigned a team
  • Resetting
    • Decide when it's possible to reset the game.
    • Can anyone reset the game?
  • Internal book keeping for hammers so players can't play with more hammers than they started with
  • Auto burn excess hammers on join
  • Configurable matches
    • Size of claimed area
    • Match length
    • Auto tile painting
    • Number of buildings you can construct

Nice to have

  • Start positions not to be hardcoded
  • Security around who can start battles
    • Don't allow battles to be started by non Turf Wars players
    • Don't allow battles to be started until the game starts
  • Orb to DS item bridge?
  • Restrict construction to bases and blockers (if allowed)
  • Prize pool


  • Search for item slot to deposit hammers
  • Deploy script to update building and zone impl addresses if they have changed
  • Don't allow the attacker to claim on timeout if the defender has joined the match
  • Look into Sky Strife's private match system and see if we can prevent non TW players from joining
  • Eth and orb withdrawal on mediator contract
  • Fix deploy script to work with Garnet
    • Don't redeploy interim script
    • Initial deploy of interim script to be done by zone contract
  • Tidy up empty bags (the whole spawning bag, transferring item and destroying bag is probably VERY gassy)
  • If placing a battle building down on an unoccupied tile, the player can gain that tile after a period of time of they are not challenged
  • Raise cost of base building so you can only build 1 or 2
  • Offset the map so 0, 0, 0 is where the Judge building is
  • Restrict Battle building UI so it disables the 'Start Battle' button when there is a Sky Strife match waiting to be played on that tile
  • After a match has started add a button to directly open the Sky Strife match: http://localhost:1337/match?asPlayer=&useExternalWallet=&match={matchID}
  • Instead of claiming just the one tile under the battle building, claim an area around the tile so the map can be claimed faster
  • Fix the reset code
  • Tidy up the code to remove Duck Burger

Gameplay ideas

  • Allow construction of blockers
  • Secure mode where placing building doesn't claim the tiles but allows the team to claim (doesn't override secured tiles from the other team)
  • Successfully defending your tower shouldn't destroy it (or maybe it should, can't decide if it's fun that you can relocate)
  • Random spawn of powerups
    • Freeze opponents for x blocks
  • Placing a building down doesn't paint tiles, it just secures the area meaning the opposing team cannot paint there
  • Placing a building down in an area that was already painted another colour either:
    • Colours tiles the team's colour
    • Allows the team to start claiming tiles in that area


  • The first match in window can't be worked out in the DS client because we don't have ability to make contract calls. Presently I'm finding this match during deployment and setting it on the building contract.
  • ORBs are required to make matches therefore the intermediary contract is stocked up with ORBs. There is no mechanism for the ORBs gained from a match to go back to the contract so it'll run out.
    • Maybe it's possible for the players to play with a proxy address instead of their address so the orbs go back to contracts that belong to the game