
Containerized Pulse

Primary LanguageDockerfile

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A dockerized version of the pulse secure VPN


You can chose you Docker image OS by selecting the branch. The pattern is image/<OS> :

  • image/debian : should contain Debian based container
  • image/fedora : should contain Fedora based container
  • image/ubuntu : should contain Ubuntu based container


You can simply run the following to use the default and lightest image (Debian as of now) :

git clone git@github.com:hypr2771/pulsed.git && \
    cd pulsed && \
    docker build . -t pulse --build-arg VPN_URL="<VPN_URL>" --build-arg VPN_DESCRIPTION="<VPN_DESCRIPTION>" --build-arg AV_SERVICE="<AV_SERVICE>" && \
    echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nversion=1.0\nType=Application\nExec=xhost local:root; sh -c "docker run --privileged --rm --net=host --volume=\"$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw\" --env=\"DISPLAY=$DISPLAY\" pulse"\nTerminal=false\nName=Dockerized Pulse Secure\nComment=Dockerized Pulse Secure VPN client\nIcon=network-workgroup' > ~/.local/share/applications/dockerized-pulse.desktop && \
    chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/dockerized-pulse.desktop

With :

  • VPN_URL being your Secure Pulse form URL
  • VPN_DESCRIPTION being your label for Secure Pulse app
  • AV_SERVICE being your Antivirus service to mock

⚠️ YOUR_VPN_NAME should not contain white spaces characters for now !

Running this script will create a "Dockerized Pulse Secure" application in your Application menu. You can then simply run this application to connect to Pulse !


Clone the repository :

git clone git@github.com:hypr2771/pulsed.git

then choose your Docker image :

git checkout image/<OS>
docker build pulsed --no-cache -t pulse --build-arg VPN_URL="<VPN_URL>" --build-arg VPN_DESCRIPTION="<VPN_DESCRIPTION>" --build-arg AV_SERVICE="<AV_SERVICE>"

With :

  • VPN_URL being your Secure Pulse form URL
  • VPN_DESCRIPTION being your label for Secure Pulse app
  • AV_SERVICE being your Antivirus service to mock

Then simply run :

docker run -it --privileged --rm --net=host --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" pulse

The volume and environment variables are needed for the app to be displayed outside of the container. You may need to allow connection to the display by running the following on your machine :

xhost local:root


Thanks to

@TheBatman09 for the whole Dockerfile and the DISPLAY configuration