To Do List

by Hayeong Pyeon


  • This app is created based on a class material and as a review of C# course provided by Epicodus.
  • .cs files have notes and practices that are commented out for author's personal learning purpose.
  • Initial setup done via git cloning from here (1_mvc_setup branch).


There are 4 branches in total, each contains learning processes of C# course. To specify:

  • main: Data Types, Variables, Branching, and Looping; Basic Console Apps; TDD and Debugging
  • ef-core: Database Basics
  • m-to-m: Many-To-Many Relationships
  • auth: Authentication with Identity

Setup Instructions

learning purpose

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Open your shell (e.g., Terminal or GitBash) and navigate to this project's production directory named ToDoList.
  3. Within ToDoList, the production directory, create a new file named appsettings.json.
  4. Within appsettings.json file, put in the following code, replacing uid and pwd values with your own username and password for MySQL.
  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=to_do_list_with_mysqlconnector;uid=[YOUR-USERNAME];pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD];",
      "TestConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=to_do_list_with_mysqlconnector_test;uid=[YOUR-USERNAME];pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD];"
  1. Run dotnet watch run in the command line to start the project in development mode with a watcher.
  2. Open the browser to https://localhost:5001.
  • Make sure to have configured a .NET developer security certificate for HTTPS.
  • Run dotnet dev-certs https --trust in the command line if the access in the browser is denied for certification authorization reasons.
  • To see all possible commands and tolls for dev-certs, run dotnet dev-certs https --help in the command line.