
Participated by Hayeong Pyeon and Daniya Yelemessova


  • This is a whiteboard (technical interview preparation) session provided as an independent project of Epicodus.
  • Each interviewee comes up with solutions for each challenge.


Question #1: Turning Strings to URLs

URLs cannot have spaces. Instead, all spaces in a string are replaced with %20. Write an algorithm that replaces all spaces in a string with %20.

You may not use the replace() method or regular expressions to solve this problem. Solve the problem with and without recursion.

Example Input: "Jasmine Ann Jones"
Expected Output: "Jasmine%20Ann%20Jones"

Question #2: Array Deduping

Write an algorithm that removes duplicates from an array. Do not use a function like filter() to solve this. Once you have solved the problem, demonstrate how it can be solved with filter(). Solve the problem with and without recursion.

Example Input: [7, 9, "hi", 12, "hi", 7, 53]
Expected Output: [7, 9, "hi", 12, 53]

Question #3: Compressing Strings

Write an algorithm that takes a string with repeated characters and compresses them, using a number to show how many times the repeated character has been compressed. For instance, aaa would be written as 3a. Solve the problem with and without recursion.

Example Input: "aaabccdddda"
Expected Output: "3ab2c4da"

Question #4: Checking for Uniqueness

Write an algorithm that determines whether all the elements in a string are unique. You may not convert the string into an array or use array methods to solve this problem. The algorithm should return a boolean.

Example Input 1: "hello"
Expected Output 1: false

Example Input 2: "copyright"
Expected Output 2: true

Question #5: Array Sorting

Write an algorithm that sorts an array without using the sort() method. There are many different sorting algorithms — take the time to read about the following:

Quick sort Merge sort Heap sort Insertion sort Bubble sort Selection sort You may implement any of the above algorithms (or your own) to solve the problem — as long as it doesn't use sort().

Example Input: [9, 2, 7, 12]
Expected Output: [2, 7, 9, 12]

Setup Requirements

  1. Clone this repository to your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  3. Open index.html in your browser.
  4. Open Console to view return values of each function (solution created by participants).