
Primary LanguageJavaScript


(async () => {
    const { DiscordApi } = require('discord-api');

    const d = new DiscordApi('AwesomeEmail@any-mail.com', 'AwesomeP@ssowrd');
    await d.auth();

    const msgs = 'Every word as one message >:) yeah, we\'ve to shaffle >:)'.split(' ').shaffle();

    const t = setInterval(() => {
        const msg = msgs.pop();
        if (!msg) return clearInterval(t);
        d.sendMessageToChannel(channelId, msg);
    }, 5000);


If you want to try something with this lib, check exmaples

If you pulled github repo, create .env file, add your meta, and try any example


This lib is simply as can. Just read the code


  • add more methods for discord (maybe voice?)
  • find way for fix auth error (help me 😭)