
Diff two npm tarballs, detect file renames.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


libnpmdiff, but detects renames and works on browser

Try it online: hyrious.me/npm-diff



Use npm diff please.


In Node.js or with bundlers:

import { diff } from '@hyrious/npm-diff'

console.log(await diff(['abbrev@1.1.0', 'abbrev@1.1.1']))

In browser:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pako"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/diff"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hyrious/npm-diff"></script>
  const { diff } = npmdiff
  console.log(await diff(...))


<script type="module">
  import { diff } from 'https://esm.sh/@hyrious/npm-diff'
  console.log(await diff(...))

diff([ a, b ], opts?) → Promise<String>

Fetches the registry tarballs and compare files between a spec a and spec b. The spec is usually described in <pkg-name>@<version>.

  • tagVersionPrefix {String} Prefix used to define version numbers. Defaults to v.
  • diffUnified {Number} How many lines to print around each hunk. Defaults to 3.
  • diffIgnoreAllSpace {Boolean} Whether or not should ignore changes in whitespace (very useful to avoid indentation changes extra diff lines). Defaults to false.
  • diffFiles {Array<String>} If set only prints patches for the files listed in this array (also accepts globs). Defaults to undefined.
  • diffNameOnly {Boolean} Prints only file names and no patch diffs. Defaults to false.
  • diffNoPrefix {Boolean} If true then skips printing any prefixes in filenames. Defaults to false.
  • diffSrcPrefix {String} Prefix to be used in the filenames from a. Defaults to a/.
  • diffDstPrefix {String} Prefix to be used in the filenames from b. Defaults to b/.
  • diffText {Boolean} Should treat all files as text and try to print diff for binary files. Defaults to false.
  • cache_get {Function} User-defined cache getter before fetching tarballs, it takes an object { name, version } and returns a Promise that fullfils with a Uint8Array containing the tarball. Defaults to undefined, which means each tarball will be fetched without cache.
  • cache_set {Function} User-defined cache setter after fetching tarballs, it takes an object { name, version } and a Uint8Array which is the tarball content. Defaults to undefined.
  • signal {AbortSignal} Abort signal to cancel all the progress. Defaults to undefined.

Returns a Promise that fullfils with a String containing the resulting patch diffs.

Throws an error if either a or b are missing or if trying to diff more than two specs.

More Examples

Store packages in indexedDB, see idb-keyval

import * as idb from 'idb-keyval'

const patch = await diff(['abbrev@1.1.0', 'abbrev@1.1.1'], {
  cache_get: ({ name, version }) => idb.get(`${name}@${version}`),
  cache_set: ({ name, version }, tarball) => idb.set(`${name}@${version}`, tarball),

Render patch to html, see diff2html

const patch = await diff(['abbrev@1.1.0', 'abbrev@1.1.1'])
const ui = new Diff2HtmlUI($('#diff'), patch, {
  drawFileList: true,
  outputFormat: 'line-by-line',


MIT © hyrious