
Generate a 0 or 1 randomly. Because why not.

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Coin Toss

Coin Toss is a single-purpose package that will randomly return a 0 or 1. It comes with an executable, toss which will write the result of the flip as, again, a 0 or 1. Perfect when you want to randomly fail a build script step with a non-zero return value. Prank your friends and co-workers.

How to Get

If you're new to Go, and especially Go on Windows, I've written about what I've learned so far.

You can download the source using go get. From the command line, run

> go get github.com/hyrmn/cointoss/cmd/toss

This will download the entire repository and place it within your %GOPATH%\src directory

Next, if you want, you can have Go compile the program and copy it to the %GOPATH%\bin directory

> go install github.com/hyrmn/cointoss/cmd/toss

Now you'll have an executable named toss (toss.exe on Windows).

How to Use

> toss

Runtime Considerations

This uses Golang's rand package. As such, it is not suitable for cryptographic applications. But, then, if you're using a random 0 or 1 with a 50/50 distribution over enough iterations, you're probably not thinking of cryptographic applications 😜

Wait, What?

Ok, this isn't really a serious project. Although the fact that only returns a 0 or 1 to stdout does make it suitable to chain with other CLI tools.

What's Next

I'm going to include a web server and Docker deployment target. Why? Because.