
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains code and documentation for the HyTEST project. Most users will find that this content is easier to navigate from our JupyterBook.

If you do need to navigate this repository, the contents are organized as follows:

  • essential_reading: background reading material on key concepts and packages used in our workflows
  • environment_set_up: instructions and helper scripts to help you get your computing environment set up for HyTEST workflows to be run in
  • dataset_catalog: catalog(s) of priority HyTEST datasets, as well as other datasets being accessed in our workflows
  • dataset_access: demonstrations of how to access and explore some key datasets
  • dataset_preprocessing: code used to create, restructure, or optimize data formats as preparation for ingestion into scientific workflows
  • evaluation: code used to evaluate model results compared to observation data and benchmark it against reference model results
  • apps: scripts to develop applications that facilitate the exploration of key datasets
  • doc: documentation related to the management of this repository, including information such as a license and how to contribute