
Simple python bus that use redis as its backend

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Redis
  2. Tensorflow
  3. Numpy


  1. npBusUtil: this script will handle sending a numpy array and reading it from redis server
  2. tfBusUtil: this script will handle sending tensorflow object to redis
  3. pdBusUtils: this script will send pandas dataframe and reading from redis.
  4. BusUtil: this is the base class that all BusUtill will drive from


This is the base class all bus utils will drive from. It contains

  • Properties
  1. host
  2. port
  3. access name
  4. access password
  5. address
  • Methods
  1. Send(msg,timestamp)
  2. Read()
  3. Run() Run Send and Read in an infinite loop on a separate thread
  • Abstract Method
  1. toBase64String(data)
  2. data = fromBase64String()
  • Emitter
  1. NewMessageReceived(msg,timestamp) # will be triggered and handled by a custom method or a class when a message is found

The Run Cycle