
Primary LanguagePython

In order to run this project, here are some example commands:

  • python parsel.py programs/problem_solving.ss will run and transpile the program in the file programs/problem_solving.ss.
  • python parsel.py programs/collatz_recursion.ss shows an example of a recursive function.
  • python parsel.py programs/problem_solving_no_tests.ss -g shows how you can use automatic test generation to write programs without tests.
  • To run python parsel.py programs/and_commute.ss, change the mode in consts/__init__.py to lean and (assuming you have Lean installed), it will generate a Lean file in the same directory as the input file.
  • To run game_of_life_inverse_expand.ss you will need to use the -e flag to automatically expand / decompose it.
  • To run game_of_life_inverse_fill.ss you will need to use the -a to autofill the program with functions that are called but not used.

In general, to configure Parsel for a new target programming, you'll need to create a new file in consts/ and add it to consts/__init__.py. In addition, to use the OpenAI models, you'll need to create a keys/codex_key.txt file in the format organization_id:api_key.