The bayesnet.R script will generate Bayesian network (BN) model for HIF-1 pathway for control/AD group. The fba.R script reads in the generated BNs and performs FBA based on predicted gene levels under HIF-1 perturbations.
The orginal rates data were from the study:
Gavai A K, Supandi F, Hettling H, et al. Using bioconductor package BiGGR for metabolic flux estimation based on gene expression changes in brain[J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(3): e0119016.
The brain gene expression data were obtained from:
Liang W S, Dunckley T, Beach T G, et al. Gene expression profiles in anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the normal aged human brain[J]. Physiological genomics, 2007, 28(3): 311-322.