
FizzBuzz game implementation using serverless pattern

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Serverless FizzBuzz API

This project is a FizzBuzz game implementation using serverless pattern.

Installation/deployment instructions

Depending on your preferred package manager, follow the instructions below to deploy your project.

Using NPM

  • Run npm i to install the project dependencies
  • Run npx sls deploy to deploy this stack to AWS

Using Yarn

  • Run yarn to install the project dependencies
  • Run yarn sls deploy to deploy this stack to AWS

Test your service

This project contains a single lambda function triggered by an HTTP request made on the provisioned API Gateway REST API /fizzbuzz route with POST method. The request body must be provided as application/json.

  • requesting /fizzbuzz without a valid X-Api-Key header will result in API Gateway returning a 403 HTTP error code.
  • sending a POST request to /fizzbuzz with a payload not containing a number property named number and greater than 0 will result in API Gateway returning a 400 HTTP error code.
  • sending a POST request to /fizzbuzz with a payload containing a number property named number will result in API Gateway returning a 200 HTTP status code with a result being either "fizzbuzz", "fizz", "buzz" or the number from request.

⚠️ The deployed service requires an API Key to execute the lambda through API Gateway.


In order to test the fizzbuzz function locally, run the following command:

  • npx sls invoke local -f hello --path src/functions/hello/mock.json if you're using NPM
  • yarn sls invoke local -f hello --path src/functions/hello/mock.json if you're using Yarn

Check the sls invoke local command documentation for more information.

Or using serverless-offline plugin to serve it locally (Test your requests against http://localhost:3000):

  • npm start if you're using NPM
  • yarn start if you're using Yarn


Copy and replace your url - found in Serverless deploy command output - and name parameter in the following curl command in your terminal or in Postman to test your newly deployed application.

curl --location --request POST 'https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/fizzbuzz' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: {SERVICE_API_KEY}'
--data-raw '{
    "number": 22

Project features

Cloud deployment structure

The project was developed using many AWS core services, like:

  • Lambda - Functions to handle business logic
  • API Gateway - Service to handle HTTP connections and trigger lambda functions
  • Cloudwatch - Monitoring service for API Gateway and lambda usage (logs)
  • X-Ray - For debugging, it tracks requests end-to-end and represent it in a visual and dynamic way

And it's organized in the following way:

AWS Cloud deployment

Project structure

The project code base is mainly located within the src folder. This folder is divided in:

  • functions - containing code base and configuration for your lambda functions
  • libs - containing shared code base between your lambdas
├── src
│   ├── functions               # Lambda configuration and source code folder
│   │   ├── fizzbuzz
│   │   │   ├── factory         # `FizzBuzz` factory functions to create resources
│   │   │   ├── mock            # `FizzBuzz` lambda input parameters, if any, for local invocation
│   │   │   ├── app.ts          # `FizzBuzz` express app and middlewares definition
│   │   │   ├── handler.ts      # `FizzBuzz` lambda http server adapter creation
│   │   │   ├── helpers.ts      # `FizzBuzz` common functions to help handle requests
│   │   │   ├── routes.ts       # `FizzBuzz` express routes definition and handlers mapping
│   │   │   ├── service.ts      # `FizzBuzz` service layer definition for business logic
│   │   │   └── validation.ts   # `FizzBuzz` lambda input event JSON-Schema for validation
│   │   │
│   │   └── index.ts            # Import/export of all lambda configurations
│   │
│   └── libs                    # lambda shared code
│       ├── adapters            # external libraries adapter for common usage
│       ├── helpers             # common helper functions
│       ├── middlewares         # common middlewares
│       └── protocols           # interfaces definitions for lambda functions 
├── package.json
├── serverless.ts               # Serverless service file
├── tsconfig.json               # Typescript compiler configuration
└── tsconfig.paths.json         # Typescript paths

3rd party libraries

  • express - used to handle http requests from AWS API Gateway
  • serverless-http - used to adapt serverless framework with an http server application
  • celebrate - express middleware function to validate incoming requests
  • @serverless/typescript - provides up-to-date TypeScript definitions for your serverless.ts service file