
Blog Post website implementation with Angular and Asp.net core(.NET 8) Web API.

Primary LanguageC#


This project is for building my own blog using Asp.net Web API and Blazor WebAssembly.

Technology Stacks

  • EFCore
  • Blazor WebAssembly
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres

Technology implementations

Frontend(Blaor WASM) Side

  • HTTP Client service layer to interact with Web API.
  • Authentication using JWT Token.
  • Authorization

Backend(ASP.NET Web API) Side

  • SOLID Principle
  • Service layer -> maybe will be replaced to CQRS.
  • Repository Pattern for persisting data
  • Authentication via JWT
  • DDD (InProgress)
  • Pagination for retrieving data.
  • Infrastructure layer(Extensions, Helpers, Data migrations/seed)
  • AutoMapper for Domain-DTO mapping.
  • Unit Testing / Integration testing (InProgress)


If you have any suggestions for how HP could be improved, feel free to create a issue and do some works for me! For more, checkout the Contributing guidelines.