
FlashMem Simulator with FTL Algorithm(Sector Mapping Method, Block Mapping Method)

Primary LanguageC++


FlashMem Simulator with FTL Algorithm(Sector Mapping Method, Block Mapping Method)

< Sector Mapping Method, Block Mapping Method Command List >

Command Action
init x or i x Create x MB Storage File
read LSN or r LSN Read data at Logical Sector Num(LSN) Position
write LSN data or w LSN data Write data at Logical Sector Num(LSN) Position
change Change Mapping Method
print Print Mapping Table(LSN -> PSN or LBN -> PBN)

< Normal Mode (with not use Any Mapping Method) Command List >

Command Action
init x or i x Create x MB Storage File
read PSN or r PSN Read data at Physical Sector Num(PSN) Position
write PSN data or w PSN data Write data at Physical Sector Num(PSN) Position
erase PBN or e PBN Erase data at Physical Block Num(PBN) Position
change Change Mapping Method

  • Simulator that creates flash memory, reads data in physical sectors, inputs data, and erases data in blocks
  • No limit on FlashMem Storage File creation capacity
