Project 1: Data modeling with Postgres

This Udacity Data Engineering nanodegree project creates a postgres database sparkifydb for a music app, Sparkify. The purpose of the database is to model song and log datasets (originaly stored in JSON format) with a star schema optimised for queries on song play analysis.

Schema design and ETL pipeline

The star schema has 1 fact table (songplays), and 4 dimension tables (users, songs, artists, time). DROP, CREATE, INSERT, and SELECT queries are defined in uses functions create_database, drop_tables, and create_tables to create the database sparkifydb and the required tables.

Extract, transform, load processes in populate the songs and artists tables with data derived from the JSON song files, data/song_data. Processed data derived from the JSON log files, data/log_data, is used to populate time and users tables. A SELECT query collects song and artist id from the songs and artists tables and combines this with log file derived data to populate the songplays fact table.

The pre-defined connection conn = psycopg2.connect("host= dbname=studentdb user=student password=student") will now connect to the container.