
school project

Primary LanguagePython

WordCrypt - ECE2524 Final Project

Wordcrypt is a simple yet powerful string encryption tool for text files.
It can encrypt or decrypt some specific words, lines or the entire text in a text file.

This project has been inspired by a scene in the movie "Inception"
alt tag

Wordcrypt uses AES-128 encryption algorithm which is known to be one of the safest
and strongest way to encrypt. It will come handy when maintaining a confidential document.


In order to run wordcrypt, you need [ Python v2.6+ ] and [ PyCrypto library ] installed.
To install PyCrypto libarary,
Linux - Ubuntu based: $ sudo apt-get install python-crypto
Linux - RedHat based: $ sudo yum install python-crypto

1. Go to http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycrypto
2. Download and install "PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.6 32bit" or "64bit"


Usage: python wordcrypt.py [Option1] [] [File ...]

1. -e : Encrypt (program defaults to -e if user does not input -e or -d), mutually exclusive with -d
2. -d : Decrypt, mutually exclusive with -e
3. -p : Provide password (If no -p switch, user will be prompted to type password)
4. -s : Encrypt only the specific strings ex) -s "str1" "str2" "str3"
5. -l : Encrypt the lines containing the specific strings ex) -l "str1" "str2" "str3"
6. -i : Input file (if no -i switch, the program will read from the standard input)
7. -o : Outout file (if no -o switch, the program will write to the standard output)

For example,
If you would like to encrypt some specific phone numbers contained in a text file you can do:
python wordcrypt.py -s "540-9876-5432" "571-1111-2222" -i sample.txt

If you would like to encrypt every line that contains phone numbers you can do:
python wordcrypt.py -l "Phone" -i sample.txt

Currently, handling specific strings or lines is supported for encryption only.

Useful Commands

To save the result in clipboard, add the following at the end of the command line after a space
| xsel -ib

It requires installation of xsel. To install,
Linux - Ubuntu based: $ sudo apt-get install xsel
Linux - RedHat based: $ sudo yum install xsel

To highlight the encrypted strings, add the following at the end of command line after a space
| grep --color -E '\_\_\[.*\]\_\_|$'

Design Philosophy

In this project, we tried to show some design philosopy of UNIX including (but not limited to):

  1. Rule of Composition (can easily interact with other programs through pipe)
  2. Rule of Silence (does not print unnecessary output)


Contributors to this project:
kpeng16@vt.edu (Fork:https://github.com/PengK/wordcrypt-1)