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invalidIV project is a set of R functions for linear instrumental variables analysis with potentially invalid instruments (IVs). Eventually, these R functions will become a comprehensive R package for IV analysis with invalid instruments. The methods in these R functions are based on work by Guo, Kang, Cai, and Small (2016) and Kang, Cai, and Small (2016).


To load these functions into R, run the following commands



The code example.R has additional working examples.

### Obtain the two-stage hard thresholding (TSHT) code from Github ###	

### R Packages to Load ###
# The AER and MASS packages are only needed to run the working example.

### Working Low Dimensional Example ###
### n = 500, pz = 10 IVs (s = 3 invalid)
# Y: n by 1 vector of outcomes (must be continuous)
# D: n by 1 vector of treatments (continuous or discrete)
# Z: n by pz vector of instruments (continuous or discrete)
# beta:   true treatment effect (set at 1)

# Create data #
n = 500; L = 10; s = 3
alpha = c(rep(3,s),rep(0,L-s)); beta = 1; gamma = c(rep(1,L))
epsilonSigma = matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2,2)
Z = matrix(rnorm(n*L),n,L)

epsilon = mvrnorm(n,rep(0,2),epsilonSigma)
D = 0.5 + Z %*% gamma + epsilon[,1]
Y = -0.5 + Z %*% alpha + D * beta + epsilon[,2]

### Oracle Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator ###
# This oracle knows exactly which IVs are invalid
# and should perform very well,   with the point estimate
# associated with D close to 1 and the 95% confidence
# interval covering 1

summary(ivreg(Y ~ D + Z[,1:s]  | Z ))
confint(ivreg(Y ~ D + Z[,1:s]  | Z ))[2,]

### Our TSHT Estimator ###
# Our estimator does not assume which IVs are invalid
# a priori. It should perform as well as the the oracle
# above as sample size increases.

# Output is a list that includes
# VHat: estimated set of valid and relevant IVs
# SHat: estimated set of relevant IVs
# betaHat: point estimate of treatment effect
# varHat: estimate of variance of betaHat
# ci: 1-alpha confidence interval for treatment effect

### Working High Dimensional Example ###
### You need the following packages to run the high dimensional code 

### n = 500, pz = 600 IVs (s = 3 invalid, 10 relevant)
# Y: n by 1 vector of outcomes (must be continuous)
# D: n by 1 vector of treatments (continuous or discrete)
# Z: n by pz vector of instruments (continuous or discrete)
# beta:   true treatment effect (set at 1)

# Create data #
n = 500; L = 600; s = 3; nRelevant = 10
alpha = c(rep(3,s),rep(0,L-s)); beta = 1; gamma = c(rep(1,nRelevant),rep(0,L-nRelevant))
epsilonSigma = matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2,2)
Z = matrix(rnorm(n*L),n,L)

epsilon = mvrnorm(n,rep(0,2),epsilonSigma)
D =  0.5 + Z %*% gamma + epsilon[,1]
Y = -0.5 + Z %*% alpha + D * beta + epsilon[,2]

### Oracle Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator ###
# This oracle knows exactly which IVs are invalid
# and should perform very well,   with the point estimate
# associated with D close to 1 and the 95% confidence
# interval covering 1

summary(ivreg(Y ~ D + Z[,1:s]  | Z[,1:nRelevant] ))
confint(ivreg(Y ~ D + Z[,1:s]  | Z[,1:nRelevant] ))[2,]

### Our TSHT Estimator ###
# Our estimator does not assume which IVs are invalid
# a priori. It should perform as well as the the oracle
# above as sample size increases.

# Output is a list that includes
# VHat: estimated set of valid and relevant IVs
# SHat: estimated set of relevant IVs
# betaHat: point estimate of treatment effect
# varHat: estimate of variance of betaHat
# ci: 1-alpha confidence interval for treatment effect


Guo, Z., Kang, H., Cai, T. T., and Small, D. S. (2018). Confidence Interval for Causal Effects with Invalid Instruments using Two-Stage Hard Thresholding with Voting. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology. 80:4. 793-815.