
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo is for the final project for DS5100 for the Online MSDS proogram.

Final Report

The final report for this project is contained in the FinalReport.md in the report folder of this repository.


The final presntation slides can be found in the DS5100_Final_Presentation.pdf in the report folder of this repository.

Video Presentation

The final video can be requested via emailing the repository owner.

The pptx slide used for the video is also shown in DS5100_Final_Presentation.pptx in the report folder of this repository.


All code for the data ETL process is in the src folder.

Analysis Jupyter Notebooks

Exploratory Analysis can be found in the notebook pathed analysis/jupyter_notebooks_charts.ipynb

Regression Analysis of notebooks can be found in the notebook pathed analysis/jupyter_notebooks/regression.ipynb

Any pictures or resources generated from the notebooks can be downloaded in the folder pathed analysis/resources/

To see the jupter notebooks you must have jupyter lab installed. When running jupyter-lab from the root, you have see and reproduce the jupyter notebooks.

Setting up and running the datapull

The repo is configured to use a virtual environment for the sake of package dependencies. Please run the commandas to set up the virtual env.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/actiavte
pip install -r requirments.txt 

To run tests for the repo please use the commands.

pytest --cov=src/ tests/ -vv

Terminal output

tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_join_gdp_single PASSED [  9%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_get_continents_map PASSED [ 18%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_get_continents_map_exceptions PASSED [ 27%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_convert_continent PASSED [ 36%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_convert_continent_not_available PASSED [ 45%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_join_gdp PASSED [ 54%]
tests/utils/test_cleaner.py::test_join_aggregate_teams PASSED [ 63%]
tests/utils/test_webscrapper.py::test_scrape_gdp PASSED [ 72%]
tests/utils/test_webscrapper.py::test_scarpe_summary PASSED [ 81%]
tests/utils/test_webscrapper.py::test_scrape_gdp_history PASSED [ 90%]
tests/utils/test_webscrapper.py::test_scrape_history PASSED [100%]

Currently the repo is performing as follows.

Name Stmts Miss Cover
src/init.py 0 0 100%
src/main.py 34 34 0
src/utils/init.py 0 0 100%
src/utils/cleaner.py 50 0 100%
src/utils/webscrapper.py 135 0 100%
TOTAL 219 34 84%

After running the code, you may deactivate the virtual env by running the following.


How to Run the datapull

To start the data pull and gather all Tokyo Olympic data you must run the main.py file after activating the virtual environments.

python src/main.py 

Due to some issues in requests and the clients for webparsing, the data pull may take some time. An issue that was faced was the datasource blocking some requets when scrapping the data. However, with multiple tries, this problem was fixed and ran correctly.

Notes for next steps

Get started with virtual environments

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/actiavte
pip install -r requirments.txt 

After running these commands you will see a (venv) next to your terminal (if on mac)

Git Commands

First Make a new branch and commit and push. After changes are taken into account, make a Pull Request (PR). Reach out to me if you need help on making a PR

## Make a new branch
git checkout -b new-branch-name

## Check what you are commiting before commint
git status

## Add the files (the . means all files from the above command)
git add .

## Push the files
git push origin new-branch-name