
Speed up Parallel Retention about 2x times

Primary LanguagePython

Faster_Retention for large sequence

The implementation is on par with the official implementation at torchscale repo for paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.08621.pdf) and huggingface transformer compatible implementation of Retention Networks

In this repo, you can find:

  1. nX speed up implementation of retention operation of Retention Networks. Notice: This implement only suitable for large sequence length and small head dimension. Assume the dimension of query $q$ is $(B,H,S,D)$, you can enjoy considerable speed up for $S>>D^2$. Run python test.py for benchmark.

    python test.py #(Platform: 3090) (e1 = fast-origin) (e2 = reduce - origin)
        B     S   D        e1        e2      fast    reduce    origin  speed_up
    0   1    30   8  0.000032  0.000033  0.000435  0.000212  0.000118     0.272
    1   1    30  16  0.000068  0.000073  0.000530  0.000247  0.000141     0.266
    2   1    30  32  0.000178  0.000189  0.000472  0.000269  0.000123     0.261
    3   1    30  64  0.000570  0.000490  0.000694  0.000221  0.000122     0.175
    4   1   300   8  0.000147  0.000203  0.000469  0.000223  0.000118     0.251
    5   1   300  16  0.000300  0.000440  0.000488  0.000210  0.000118     0.242
    6   1   300  32  0.000681  0.001043  0.001454  0.000327  0.000240     0.165
    7   1   300  64  0.001849  0.002668  0.005716  0.000982  0.000259     0.045
    8   1  3000   8  0.000969       NaN  0.001877  0.002474  0.016054     8.552
    9   1  3000  16  0.001753       NaN  0.005466  0.002907  0.016108     2.947
    10  1  3000  32  0.003381       NaN  0.020679  0.004071  0.016576     0.802
    11  1  3000  64  0.007355       NaN  0.081177  0.010387  0.017319     0.213
    12  1  5000   8  0.001459       NaN  0.004210  0.005091  0.044165    10.490
    13  1  5000  16  0.002664       NaN  0.012461  0.005538  0.044373     3.561
    14  1  5000  32  0.005147       NaN  0.044402  0.007455  0.045701     1.029
    15  1  5000  64  0.010328       NaN  0.178734  0.018047  0.047592     0.266
  2. Any chunksize Recurrent:

    • If chunksize==wholelength, it become parallel mode.
    • If chunksize==1, it become recurrent mode.

    We reformulation the retention, change the operation order and achieve an identity implement that can correct preduce the kv cache and the gk cache of retention.

     import torch
     import torch.nn as nn
     import numpy as np
     from self_retention import SelfRetentionV2,RetNetRelPosV2, RMSNorm
     from configuration_retnet import RetNetConfig
     S = 30
     B = 2
     H = 8
     qk_dim = 32
     v_dim  = 64
     q = torch.randn(B,H,S,qk_dim).cuda()
     k = torch.randn(B,H,S,qk_dim).cuda()
     v = torch.randn(B,H,S, v_dim).cuda()
     config = RetNetConfig(decoder_layers=1,
     retnet_rel_pos = RetNetRelPosV2(config).cuda()
     model          = SelfRetentionV2(config)
     group_norm     = RMSNorm(H,0,False)
     model.group_norm = nn.Identity() ## remove the group norm which we add by ourselves
     use_gk = True
     mode   = 'qk_first'
     print("     ================= random chunksize recurrent test ====================")
     partition = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(2,S-2),(5,),replace=False)).tolist() + [S]
     print(f"     partition: {partition}")
     past_kv = None
     full_rnn_state = []
     last = 0
     for i in partition:
         qm = q[:,:,last:i]
         km = k[:,:,last:i]
         vm = v[:,:,last:i]
         (cos, sin), (chunk_gamma, unnormlized_decay_mask, mask_normlizer) = retnet_rel_pos(
             i, recurrent_chunk_size=qm.shape[-2], forward_impl='chunkwise_recurrent')
         one_step_output, _, past_kv = model(qm, km, vm,
                                             (chunk_gamma, unnormlized_decay_mask,mask_normlizer),
                                             past_key_value= past_kv,
                                             normlize_for_stable=use_gk, mode=mode)
         last = i
     full_rnn_state = torch.cat(full_rnn_state, dim=1)

We use torch-discounted-cumsum to accelerate computation.

#pip install torch-discounted-cumsum --no-build-isolation
pip install git+https://github.com/veya2ztn/torch-discounted-cumsum.git --no-build-isolation


The "Parallel" formation of retention is simple

def forward(self, q, k, v, decay_mask):
        q -> (B, H, S, D)
        k -> (B, H, S, D)
        v -> (B, H, S, D)
        decay_mask-> (1, H, S, S)
    retention = q @ k.transpose(-1, -2)  # --> (B,H,S,S)
    retention = retention * decay_mask   # --> (B,H,S,S)
    retention = retention / retention.detach().sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).abs().clamp(min=1) # --> (B,H,S,S)
    output = retention @ v  # [b, h, t, v_dim / h] ## # --> (B,H,S,D)
    return output

However, it is $\mathcal{O}(S^2)$ implement as the appear of intermeidate shape $(S,S)$. It is wellknow retention is a 'Linear-like' Transfomer that it is possible we contract the $S$ dimension first and reduce the complexity into $\mathcal{O}(D^2)$.

Lets drive it step by step.

Firstly, $$R_{i}^j = q_i^{\alpha}k_{\alpha}^j$$

with decay mask $$R_{i}^j = C_i^j q_i^{\alpha}k_{\alpha}^j$$

where $$C_i^j = \lambda^{i-j} \delta_{i>j}$$

Thus $$R_i^j = \lambda^{i} q_i^{\alpha}k_{\alpha}^j \lambda^{-j} = Q_i^{\alpha} K_{\alpha}^j \delta_{i>j}$$

One thing that paper don't say is it will do normlaization. $$C_i^j = \frac{\lambda^{i-j}}{\sqrt{\sum_i^t (\lambda^{i-t})^2}}=\frac{\lambda^{i-j}}{L_i}=\frac{\lambda^i}{L_i}\lambda^{-j} \delta_{i>j}$$ Notice all the coef is fixed, thus we can precompute at early begining.

Now, we have reduced $q$ and $k$ $$Q_i^{\alpha} = \frac{\lambda^i}{L_i} q_i^{\alpha}$$ $$K_{\alpha}^j = \lambda^{-j} k_{\alpha}^j $$ Second thing that paper don't say here: another normlaization. $$R_{i}^j \rightarrow \frac{R_i^j }{|\sum_t^j R_i^t|} = \frac{R_i^j }{|P_i|}$$ The $P_i$ can dirctly compute $$P_i=\sum_t R_i^t = \sum_t (Q_i^{\alpha}K_{\alpha}^t \delta_{i>t})=\sum_t^i (Q_i^{\alpha}K_{\alpha}^t)$$ $$=Q_i^{\alpha}\sum_t^i (K_{\alpha}^t)=Q_i^{\alpha}T_{\alpha}^i$$ $$=\frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i}\sum_t^i (\lambda^{i-j}k_{\alpha}^t)=\frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i}T_{\alpha}^i$$

second line is the formula for reduced $q$ and $k$

third line is the formula for discounted-cumsum

Next $$O_i^\gamma=R_i^j v_{j}^\gamma = \frac{R_i^j v_{j}^\gamma}{|P_i|}= \frac{o_i^\gamma}{|P_i|}$$

Still can compute $$o_i^{\gamma} = R_i^j v_{j}^\gamma = Q_i^{\alpha}\delta_{i>j}K_{\alpha}^j v_{j}^\gamma$$

$$= Q_i^{\alpha}(\delta_{i>j} K_{\alpha}^j v_{j}^\gamma) = Q_i^{\alpha} (D_i)_{\alpha}^\gamma $$

$$=\sum_{\alpha} \frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i} \sum_j^i(\lambda^{i-j} k_{\alpha}^j v_{j}^\gamma)$$ $$=\sum_{\alpha}\frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i} (D_i)_{\alpha}^\gamma$$

$$=\sum_{\alpha}\sum_j \frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i} C_{ij} k_{\alpha}^j v_{j} ^\gamma = \sum_{\alpha}\frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i} (D_i)_{\alpha}^\gamma$$

second line is the formula for reduced $q$ and $k$

third line is the formula for discounted-cumsum

(3) [TODO]: dirctly build the operation $\sum_{\alpha}\sum_j \frac{q_i^{\alpha}}{L_i} C_{ij} k_{\alpha}^j v_{j} ^\gamma$

Now, the max intermediate is $D$ = (B, H, S, D, D).

TODO list

  • broadcast operation
  • bfloat16 cuda (Lazy implement) (wondering pow percision for bfloat16)

Recurrent Formulation

Parallel mode

Firstly, consider the parallel retention. (We use bold $\bf{a}$ represent Einstein summation)

$$ R_{i}^j = q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^j $$

with the decay $C_i^j = \lambda^{i-j} \delta_{j\leq i}$

$$R_{i}^j = C_i^j q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^j$$

Notice, in the real code, the decay mask will be normalized along $j$ dimension.

$$\mathcal{C}_i^j = \frac{\lambda^{i-j}}{L_i}\delta_{j\leq i}=\frac{\lambda^{i-j}}{\sqrt{\sum_i^t (\lambda^{i-t})^2}}\delta_{j\leq i}$$

There is one more normalization during parallel.

$$\mathcal{R}_{i}^j = \frac{R_i^j }{|\sum_t^j R_i^t|} = \frac{R_i^j }{|P_i|}$$

The final step is $kvq$

$$O_i^c=\mathcal{R}_i^{\bf{j}} v_{\bf{j}}^c = \frac{R_i^{\bf{j}} v_{\bf{j}}^c}{|P_i|} = \frac{\mathcal{C}_i^{\bf{j}}q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}v_{\bf{j}}^c}{|1_{\bf{j}}\mathcal{C}_i^{\bf{j}}q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}|} = \frac{\frac{C_i^{\bf{j}}}{Li}q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}v_{\bf{j}}^c}{|1_{\bf{j}}\frac{C_i^{\bf{j}}}{Li}q_i^{\bf{a}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}|}$$

Recurrent mode

$$O_i^c= \frac{\frac{q_i^{\bf{a}}}{L_i}{C}_i^{\bf{j}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}v_{\bf{j}}^c}{|\frac{q_i^{\bf{a}}}{L_i}1_{\bf{j}}{C}_i^{\bf{j}}k_{\bf{a}}^{\bf{j}}|} = \frac{\bar{q}_i^{\bf{a}}H_{c,{\bf{a}}}^i}{|\bar{q}_i^{\bf{a}}T_{{\bf{a}}}^i|}$$


$$H_{c,a}^i = C_i^{\bf{j}}k_{a}^{\bf{j}}v_{\bf{j}}^c = \lambda^{i-{\bf{j}}} \delta_{{\bf{j}}\leq i} k_{a}^{\bf{j}}v_{\bf{j}}^c$$


$$T_{a}^i = 1_{\bf{j}}{C}_i^{\bf{j}}k_{a}^{\bf{j}}=\lambda^{i-{\bf{j}}} 1_{\bf{j}}\delta_{{\bf{j}}\leq i} k_{a}^{\bf{j}}$$

For example, let omit $a$ and $c$ and write down the first row along $i$

$$\begin{align} H^0 &= k^0 v_0 && &&\\\ H^1 &= \lambda k^0v_0 &+& k^1 v_1 \\\ H^2 &= \lambda^2 k^0v_0 &+& \lambda k^1 v_1 &+& k^2 v_2 \\\ \cdots \end{align}$$

It has obviously recurrent formulation:

$$H^{n+1}_{c,a} = \lambda H^{n}_{c,a} + k_a^{n+1}v_{n+1}^c$$


$$T_{a}^{n+1}=\lambda T_a^{n} + k_a^{n+1}$$


Now consider the chunk-wise recurrent that forward with multi step.

$$\begin{align} H^0 &= k^0 v_0 \\\ H^1 &= \lambda k^0v_0 &+& k^1 v_1 \\\ H^2 &= \lambda^2 k^0v_0 &+& \lambda k^1 v_1 &+& k^2 v_2 \\\ H^3 &= \lambda^3 k^0v_0 &+& \lambda k^2 v_1 &+& \lambda k^1 v_2 &+& k^3 v_3 \\\ H^4 &= \lambda^4 k^0v_0 &+& \lambda k^3 v_1 &+& \lambda k^2 v_2 &+& \lambda k^3 v_3&+& k^4 v_4 \\\ \cdots \end{align}$$ $$H^{n:n+m} = [\lambda,\lambda^2,\cdots,\lambda^m]\otimes H^n+ \sum_{row}{\bf{C}}{\bf{k}}^{n:n+m}{\bf{v}}_{n:n+m}$$

where the $\bf{C}$ is the decay mask like

$$\begin{align} 1 & & & & & & & & \\\ \lambda & & 1 & & & & & & \\\ \lambda^2 & & \lambda & & 1 & & & & \\\ \lambda^3 & & \lambda^2 & & \lambda & & 1 & & \\\ \lambda^4 & & \lambda^3 & & \lambda^2 & & \lambda & & 1 \\\ \end{align}$$

which is the first $m$ row of origin decay mask.

Thus, the recurrent - chunk_size formulation is

current_kv = torch.einsum('Hi,BHiac->BHiac', gamma, past_kv) + 	 
		  	 torch.einsum('Hij,BHja,BHjc-> BHiac', mask, k_more, v_more)
current_gk = torch.einsum('Hi,BHia->BHia', gamma, past_gk) + 
			 torch.einsum('Hij,BHja-> BHia', mask, k_more)

Notice, at current (2023.10.24), the group_norm is use RMSNorm which normalize the $D2$ dimension and ensure each vector $|x \rangle$ (D2,) in (B, H, S) satisfy:

$$\langle x|x \rangle=D2$$

That is

$$X_i^{c}\rightarrow \frac{X_i^{c}}{\sqrt{X_i^\alpha X_i^\alpha}}$$

Given any gauge only effect on the $i$ dimension $Y_i^c = T_iX_i^c$.

The result will hold invariant.

$$\frac{Y_i^{c}}{\sqrt{Y_i^\alpha Y_i^\alpha}}=\frac{T_iX_i^c}{\sqrt{T_iX_i^\alpha T_iX_i^\alpha}}=\frac{X_i^{c}}{\sqrt{X_i^\alpha X_i^\alpha}}$$

This mean we can totally remove the $P_i$ or current_gk if we finally apply the group_norm normalization.

For numerical reason, we can rescale the retention use $P_i$ to avoid Nan or Inf.

The cost to obtain current_gk and current_kv almost same, thus, disable computing the retention vis set normlize_for_stable=False can indeed accelerate the inference 2 times fast.