Golang gin mongodb boilerplate

This project aims to creating simple REST api with Golang's gin framework on top of mongodb.

Basically it's built on top of the following ideas:

  • MongoDB's official driver (There is no need to use ORM)
  • Repository pattern to abstract MongoDB related parts from the other layers
  • Database connection pooling
  • Parallelism with goroutines (see resources/task/service/List)
  • Auth middleware for JWT decoding and handling
  • To be ready for protobufs (see resources/task/pb)
  • Custom error handling
  • Unit tests + integration tests
  • air support for live reload
  • Docker support
  • Docker compose support
  • Healthcheck support
  • Follows 12factor.net standards
  • Swagger integration

Quick setup

Either running docker compose directly:

docker compose up

or by building from scratch

go get

To create/update the swagger documentation

swag init


To run the tests you need to have a running mongodb database. To do that:

docker compose up -f docker-compose.mongodb.yaml up -d

After that you can run

go test ./...