
Practice JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Exercise: JS Introduction and Variables


Your objective is to begin using variables to store and pass values throughout your program.

To see your work, you can log, or print, the values stored in your variables to the console. Use console.log(variableName) to see your results in the browser console.

Exercise 1: Declaring Variables

Steps are to be completed in the app.js file.

  1. Declare a variable named firstName using the const keyword
  2. Declare a variable named lastName using the let keyword
  3. Declare a variable named age using the var keyword

Exercise 2: Assigning Values to Variables

Steps are to be completed in the app.js file.

  1. Assign your first name as the string value to the variable firstName
  2. Assign your last name as the string value to the variable lastName
  3. Assign your age as the number value to the variable age

Exercise 3: Declaring and Assigning Values to Variables

Steps are to be completed in the app.js file.

  1. Declare a variable named language using the let keyword, and assign it the value "JavaScript" (string)
  2. Declare a variable named createdYear using the let keyword, and assign it the value 1995 (number)
  3. Declare a variable named isCaseSensitive using the let keyword, and assign it the value true (boolean)

Exercise 4: Declaring and Assigning Values to Variables x2

Steps are to be completed in the app.js file.

  1. Declare a variable named price using the let keyword, and assign it the value 19.99 (number)
  2. Declare a variable named isOnSale using the let keyword, and assign it the value false (boolean)
  3. Declare a variable named salePercentage using the let keyword, and assign it the value 15 (number)
  4. Declare a variable named stock using the let keyword, and assign it the value 0 (number)
  5. Declare a variable named inStock using the let keyword, and assign it the value false (boolean)
  6. Declare a variable named selectedSize using the let keyword, and assign it the value "M" (string)

Exercise 5: Declaring and Assigning Values to Variables x3

Steps are to be completed in the app.js file.

  1. Declare a variable named title using the let keyword, and assign it the value "Name of the Wind" (string)
  2. Declare a variable named author using the let keyword, and assign it the value "Patrick Rothfuss" (string)
  3. Declare a variable named pageCount using the let keyword, and assign it the value 722 (number)
  4. Declare a variable named bookmark using the let keyword, and assign it the value 456 (number)
  5. Declare a variable named hasRead using the let keyword, and assign it the value true (boolean)