
A java code formatter for sbt base on eclipse coding style.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to use it

Add plugin dependent to project/plugins.sbt

resolvers += Resolver.url("hyysguyang-sbt-plugins", url("https://dl.bintray.com/hyysguyang/sbt-plugins/"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("com.lifecosys.sbt" % "java-code-formatter" % "0.2")

This will add formatJava to your project.

The default will use the eclipse default Java Conventions format with project javacOptions source level, default is 1.8. To customize it just:

import com.lifecosys.sbt.JavaCodeFormatterPlugin.JavaCodeFormatterKeys._
val formattingSettings = List(
eclipseProfileFile in javaCodeFormatter := Some(file("docs/develop/coding-style/JavaConventions-variant.xml"))

You can use all configuration such as:

import com.lifecosys.sbt.JavaCodeFormatterPlugin.JavaCodeFormatterKeys._
val formattingSettings = List(
eclipseProfileFile in javaCodeFormatter := Some(file("docs/develop/coding-style/JavaConventions-variant.xml")),
eclipsePrefFile in javaCodeFormatter := Some(file("docs/develop/coding-style/JavaConventions-variant.xml")),
eclipseFormatterOptions in javaCodeFormatter :=

Please note that the sequence eclipseProfileFile <- eclipsePrefFile <- eclipseFormatterOptions, the later will override the previous.

How to Build it

Just checkout the source code and run sbt test to run all the test case.


Apache 2.0