
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv4,out-of-the-box,training,testing&detect your custom objects
fork from https://github.com/eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3 & https://github.com/Python3WebSpider/DeepLearningSlideCaptcha


Clone PyTorch-YOLOv4

Clone and install requirements

git clone https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/SOVLOOKUP/PyTorch-YOLOv4
cd PyTorch-YOLOv4/
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download pretrained weights

$ cd weights/                                # Navigate to weights dir
$ bash download_weights.sh              # Will download pretrain models

Download COCO

it is not necessary
I use an another dataset to test yolov4 but if you want test it on coco you can download it.

$ cd data/                                # Navigate to data dir
$ bash get_coco_dataset.sh                # Will download coco dataset

Prepare data

Use LabelImg to mark your datas in browser.


Or you can use Yolomark.

Yolomark: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/Yolo_mark


Slider verification data set has been prepared in <data/captcha>.

training command:

python3 train.py --model_def config/yolov4-captcha.cfg --data_config config/captcha.data --pretrained_weights weights/pre/yolov4.conv.137


Track training progress in Tensorboard:

$ tensorboard --logdir='logs' --port=6006


After the training, the PTH file will be generated in the <checkpoints> folder, and the model can be directly used to predict the results.

testing command:

python3 detect.py --model_def config/yolov4-captcha.cfg --weights_path checkpoints/yolov4_ckpt.pth --image_folder data/captcha/test --class_path data/captcha/classes.names

The script will read all the pictures under <data/captcha/test>, and output the processed results to the <data/captcha/result> folder.


Performing object detection:
        + Batch 0, Inference Time: 0:00:00.044223
        + Batch 1, Inference Time: 0:00:00.028566
        + Batch 2, Inference Time: 0:00:00.029764
        + Batch 3, Inference Time: 0:00:00.032430
        + Batch 4, Inference Time: 0:00:00.033373
        + Batch 5, Inference Time: 0:00:00.027861
        + Batch 6, Inference Time: 0:00:00.031444
        + Batch 7, Inference Time: 0:00:00.032110
        + Batch 8, Inference Time: 0:00:00.029131

Saving images:
(0) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4497.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99999
(1) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4498.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99999
(2) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4499.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99997
(3) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4500.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99999
(4) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4501.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99997
(5) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4502.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99999
(6) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4503.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99997
(7) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4504.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99998
(8) Image: 'data/captcha/test/captcha_4505.png'
        + Label: target, Conf: 0.99998


Train and detect your custom objects

  1. format your data:https://github.com/eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3#train-on-custom-dataset

  2. create your model-config:

replace <num-classes> with your num-classes

$ cd config/                                # Navigate to config dir
$ bash create_custom_model.sh <num-classes> # Will create custom model 'yolov4-custom.cfg'
  1. train it training command:
python3 train.py --model_def config/yolov4-custom.cfg --data_config config/{YourSetName}.data --pretrained_weights weights/pre/yolov4.conv.137


本项目基于开源 GNU 协议,另外本项目不提供任何有关滑动轨迹相关模拟和 JavaScript 逆向分析方案。



title={YOLOv4: YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection},
author={Alexey Bochkovskiy, Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao},
journal = {arXiv},