- 0
Adding the observed mean as 'norm' in nRMSE
#25 opened by lpmorenoc - 1
NSE equals R2?
#24 opened by gpf75ks - 9
version 0.5-4 ggof vs gof Metrics
#23 opened by consumere - 1
- 1
Error for pbias equation
#22 opened by bijoychandraAU - 4
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
ggof: 'cal.ini' not working in version 0.4-0
#10 opened by hzambran - 1
Problem with condition missing
#8 opened by NUForever - 1
installing errors
#14 opened by kkyong77 - 1
Syntax error in `KGE.R`
#18 opened by tungttnguyen - 1
The R2 metric only works for linear models
#16 opened by eugenioLR - 0
hydrological year in 'ggof'
#1 opened by hzambran - 1
ggof plotting error
#7 opened by hasabchy - 1
Goodness of fit in rstudio
#2 opened by hiztirab - 1
error in calculating bR2
#9 opened by elliewhite-usgs - 2
Problem with namespace exports
#5 opened by tjmills - 1
Library "hydroGOF" failed to load
#6 opened by vrao1 - 1
ggof is broken with latest xts
#4 opened by jthurner