
RiboCode development

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Detect translated ORFs using ribosome-profiling data

BuildStatus PyPI PythonVersions BioConda Publish downloads

RiboCode is a very simple but high-quality computational algorithm to identify genome-wide translated ORFs using ribosome-profiling data.


  • pysam
  • pyfasta
  • h5py
  • Biopython
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • matplotlib
  • HTSeq


RiboCode can be installed like any other Python packages. Here are some popular ways:

  • Install via pypi:
pip install ribocode
  • Install via conda:
conda install -c bioconda ribocode
  • Install from source:
git clone https://www.github.com/xzt41/RiboCode
cd RiboCode
python setup.py install
  • Install from local:
pip install RiboCode-*.tar.gz

If you have not administrator permission, you need to install RiboCode locally in you own directory by adding the option --user to installation commands. Then, you need to add ~/.local/bin/ to the PATH variable, and ~/.local/lib/ to the PYTHONPATH variable. For example, if you are using the bash shell, you would do this by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin/
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7

then, source your ~/.bashrc file using this command:

source ~/.bashrc

Users can also update or uninstall package through one of the following commands:

pip install --upgrade RiboCode # upgrade
pip uninstall RiboCode # uninstall
conda update -c bioconda ribocode # upgrade
conda remove ribocode # uninstall

Tutorial to analyze ribosome-profiling data and run RiboCode

Here, we use the HEK293 dataset as an example to illustrate the use of RiboCode and demonstrate typical workflows. Please make sure the path and file name are correct.

  1. Required files

    The genome FASTA file, GTF file for annotation can be downloaded from:


    or from:



    For example, the required files in this tutorial can be downloaded from following URL:

    GTF: ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz

    FASTA: ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/GRCh37.p13.genome.fa.gz

    Important The GTF file required by RiboCode should include three-level hierarchy annotations: genes,transcripts and exons. Some GTF files may lack the gene and transcript annotations, users can added these annotations by using the "GTFupdate" command in RiboCode. Please refer to GTF_update.rst for more information.

    The raw Ribo-seq FASTQ file can be download by using fastq-dump tool from SRA_Toolkit:

    fastq-dump -A <SRR1630831>
  2. Trimming adapter sequence for ribo-seq data

    Using cutadapt program https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html


    cutadapt -m 20 --match-read-wildcards -a (Adapter sequence) -o <Trimmed fastq file> <Input fastq file>

    Here, the adapter sequences for this data had already been trimmed off, so we can skip this step.

  3. Removing ribosomal RNA(rRNA) derived reads

    Removing rRNA contamination by aligning the trimmed reads to rRNA sequences using Bowtie, then keeping the unaligned reads for the next step.

    rRNA sequences are provided in rRNA.fa file (data folder of this package).


    bowtie-build <rRNA.fa> rRNA
    bowtie -p 8 -norc --un <un_aligned.fastq> -q <SRR1630831.fastq> rRNA <HEK293_rRNA.align>
  4. Aligning the clean reads to reference genome

    Using STAR program: https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR


    (1). Build index

    STAR --runThreadN 8 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir <hg19_STARindex>
    --genomeFastaFiles <hg19_genome.fa> --sjdbGTFfile <gencode.v19.annotation.gtf>

    (2). Alignment:

    STAR --outFilterType BySJout --runThreadN 8 --outFilterMismatchNmax 2 --genomeDir <hg19_STARindex>
    --readFilesIn <un_aligned.fastq>  --outFileNamePrefix <HEK293> --outSAMtype BAM
    SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts --outFilterMultimapNmax 1
    --outFilterMatchNmin 16 --alignEndsType EndToEnd
  5. Running RiboCode to identify translated ORFs

    (1). Preparing the transcripts annotation files:

    prepare_transcripts -g <gencode.v19.annotation.gtf> -f <hg19_genome.fa> -o <RiboCode_annot>

    (2). Selecting the length range of the RPF reads and identify the P-site locations:

    metaplots -a <RiboCode_annot> -r <HEK293Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam>

    This step will generate two files: a PDF file which plots the aggregate profiles of the distance from the 5'-end of reads to the annotated start codons (or stop codons). The P-site config file, which defines the read lengths with strong 3-nt periodicity and the associated P-site locations for each length. Users can check the P-site periodicity or modify this file according the plots in PDF file. In some cases, user may have multiple bam files to predict ORFs together in next step, they can use "-i" argument to specify a text file which contains the names of these bam files ( one per line)

    (3). Detecting translated ORFs using the ribosome-profiling data:

    RiboCode -a <RiboCode_annot> -c <config.txt> -l no -g -o <RiboCode_ORFs_result>

    Using the config file generated by last step to specify the information of the bam file and P-site parameters, or refer to the example file config.txt in data folder. The "gtf" or "bed" format file of predicted ORFs can be obtained by adding the "-g" or "-b" argument to this command.

    Explanation of final result files

    The RiboCode generates two text files: The "(output file name).txt" contains the information of predicted ORFs in each transcript. The "(output file name)_collapsed.txt" file combines the ORFs with the same stop codon in different transcript isoforms: the one harboring the most upstream in-frame ATG is chosen.

    Some column names of the result file:

    - ORF_ID: The identifier of ORFs that predicated.
    - ORF_type: The type of ORF is annotated according the relative location to associated CDS. The following ORF categories are reported:
     "annotated" (overlapping annotated CDS, have the same stop with annotated CDS)
     "uORF" (in upstream of annotated CDS, not overlapping annotated CDS)
     "dORF" (in downstream of annotated CDS, not overlapping annotated CDS)
     "Overlap_uORF" (in upstream of annotated CDS, overlapping annotated CDS)
     "Overlap_dORF" (in downstream of annotated CDS, overlapping annotated CDS"
     "Internal" (in internal of annotated CDS, but in a different frame relative annotated CDS)
     "novel" (in non-coding genes or non-coding transcripts of coding genes).
    - ORF_tstart, ORF_tstop: the beginning and end of ORF in RNA transcript (1-based coordinate)
    - ORF_gstart, ORF_gstop: the beginning and end of ORF in genome (1-based coordinate)
    - pval_frame0_vs_frame1: significance levels of P-site densities of frame0 greater than of frame1
    - pval_frame0_vs_frame2: significance levels of P-site densities of frame0 greater than of frame2
    - pval_combined: integrated P-value

    All above three steps can also be easily run by a single command "RiboCode_onestep":

    RiboCode_onestep -g <gencode.v19.annotation.gtf> -f <hg19_genome.fa> -r <HEK293Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam>
                     -l no -o <RiboCode_ORFs_result>

    (4). (optional) Plotting the densities of P-sites for predicted ORFs

    Using the "plot_orf_density" command, as example below:

    plot_orf_density -a <RiboCode_annot> -c <config.txt> -t (transcript_id)
    -s (ORF_gstart) -e (ORF_gstop)

    The generated PDF plots can be edited by Adobe Illustrator.

    (5). (optional) Counting the number of RPF reads aligned to ORFs

    The number of reads mapping to each ORF can be obtained by the "ORFcount" command which relying on HTSeq-count package. Only the reads of a given length will be counted. For those ORF which length longer than a specified value (set by "-e"), the RPF reads located in first few codons and last few codons can be excluded by adjusting the parameters ("-f" and "-l"). For example, the reads with length between 26-34 nt aligned to predicted ORF can be obtained by using below command:

    ORFcount -g <RiboCode_ORFs_result.gtf> -r <ribo-seq genomic mapping file> -f 15 -l 5 -e 100 -m 26 -M 34 -o <ORF.counts>

    The reads aligned to first 15 codons and last 5 codons of ORFs which length longer than 100 nt will be excluded. The "RiboCode_ORFs_result.gtf" file can be generated by RiboCode command. The "ribo-seq genomic mapping file" is the genome-wide mapping file produced by STAR mapping.

Recipes (FAQ):

  1. I have a BAM/SAM file aligned to genome, how do I convert it to transcriptome-based mapping file ?

    You can use STAR aligner to generate the transcriptome-based alignment file by specifying the "--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM" parameters, or use the "sam-xlate" command from UNC Bioinformatics Utilities .

  2. How to use multiple BAM/SAM files to identify ORFs?

    You can select the read lengths which show strong 3-nt periodicity and the corresponding P-site locations for each BAM/SAM file, then list each file and their information in config.txt file. RiboCode will combine the P-site densities at each nucleotides of these BAM/SAM files together to predict ORFs.

  3. Generating figures with matplotlib when DISPLAY variable is undefined or invalid

    When running the "metaplots" or "plot_orf_density" command, some users received errors similar to the following:

    raise RuntimeError('Invalid DISPLAY variable')

    _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

    The main problem is that default backend of matplotlib is unavailable. The solution is to modify the backend in matplotlibrc file. A very simple solution is to set the MPLBACKEND environment variable, either for your current shell or for a single script:

    export MPLBACKEND="module:Agg"

    Giving below are non-interactive backends, capable of writing to a file:

    Agg PS PDF SVG Cairo GDK

    See also:




For any questions, please contact:

Zhengtao Xiao (xzt13[at]tsinghua.org.cn)

Rongyao Huang (THUhry12[at]163.com)

Xudong Xing (xudonxing_bioinf[at]sina.com)