Survey Management

This project created for boilerplate about survey or exam module. For now it's helping to survey management but you can change everything easily.

The main project structure contains 4 projects.

  • core server
  • dataverse customization
  • react client
  • pcf

First of all if you want to use this solution you should import dataverse customization solution into your organization. I gave an unmanaged (solution). You can easily import this solution. This solution contains entities, forms, views and actions and your free to change everything. After that you should import the pcf solution. (pcf solution)

If you want to run standalone you should use core server and react client project. core server app helps sed your survey data to the dataverse organization. react client app shows survey information to end users.

If you want to run in dataverse you should use pcf control. PCF Control works like react client and has a very user friendly UI.




About Entities


Contains your main survey information.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Description MLT Description
Pagination Type OptionSet You can define pagination type. (Order / Survey Pagination Group)
Record Per Page Whole Number You can define how many question show per page
Image Image You can define image for survey

Survey Question

Contains your survey questions.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Description MLT Description
Survey Lookup Survey Lookup
Type OptionSet Question types (Select / Multi Select / Text)
Required Two Option If you want to mark a question as mandatory, you can use this.
Survey Answer Option Template Lookup If you want to use the same answer options in more than one question, you can create answer option templates and bind it this lookup.
Order Whole Number Question order
Additional Answer Two Option If you want to more specific description you can use this. This option will show additional text area.
Image Image You can define image for survey question

Survey Question Group

Contains your survey questions.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Description MLT Description
Order Whole Number Order
Show Description Two Option Show Description

Survey Answer Option

Contains your survey questions answer options.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Order Whole Number Order
Image Image Answer image
Survey Question Lookup You should bind answer option to spesific question with lookup. But if you want to use Answer Option Template you should not fill this lookup.
Survey Answer Option Template Lookup If you create answer option for answer option template you should fill this lookup.

Survey Answer Option Template

Contains your answer options template.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Survey Lookup Survey answer option template must be created for the survey

Survey Requests

Survey request records created for survey session. You can create without any relationship or you can create to any entity relationship then you can create specific records.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Survey Lookup Survey
Responsible Firstname SLT Responsible Firstname
Responsible Lastname SLT Responsible Lastname
Responsible Email SLT Responsible Email
Completed Two Option Completed
Completion Date Datetime Completion Date
Code SLT Code field is a SLT. If you want to use the standalone version you must share survey request link with code. If you want to use in dataverse you don't have to fill.

Survey Responses

Survey response records created for your survey answers.

Field Type Description
Name SLT Name
Survey Request Lookup Survey Request
Survey Question Lookup Survey Question
Text Answer SLT Text Answer
Select Answer Lookup Select Answer (Lookup)
Multi Select Answer Lookup Multi Select Answer (Lookup)
Additional Answer MLT Additional Answer
