
Check if Cloud vC is stopped or not and perform a start trigger when the Container is stopped

Primary LanguagePHP


Purpose: Check if Cloud vC is stopped or not and perform a start trigger when the Container is stopped A Infinity loop in PHP to perform request to CAC - CloudVC API. Can be used with any virtualizor servers.


  • Automatically fetch list of vC and perform request if needed.
  • Telegram Notification when the server is started.
  • Logging into file. But believe me, you will never read the logs. Log is stored into 'vcloudrestart.log' file.

How to use

  • Create a Telegram Bot via BotFather. This is the instructions from Telegram
  • Clone/Download/Copy vc.php and modify the value in the top of the file: $telegram_token = ""; //Telegram Token $telegram_chatid = ""; //Telegram ChatID $cac_apikey = ""; //CloudAtCost VC API Key $cac_apipass = ""; //CloudAtCost VC API Password $logging = true; // true for enable logging, false for disable logging $telegram_noti = true; // true for enable Sending Notification, false for disable Sending Notification and the sleep(5);
  • Open terminal, cd to the directory and type: php vc.php
  • Now you are good to go.
  • If you want to run it in the background. You can use Tmux

Why I need this?

I made this script since I accidentally bought a lifetime server from CloudAtCost. It worked great. However, some rainy days, the server is stopped without any notice. And that's why I made this script to keep it up and running for non-critical tasks.

Should I buy CAC vC servers?

Nah, since you can't buy it anymore. But 6$ for a lifetime (of the company) server? That's crazy for non-critical tasks.

Future updates?

Yep. But maybe not? I need a counter for Failure message since it may destroy my Telegram Notification.