This repository contains code used to run the simulations and tree comparisons in this paper:
Simulations were run in steps as follows:
Using ALF for genes with the
parameters in alf-tree-testing-sim.drw
. The required starting genome and tree
are included in this repository.
alfsim alf-tree-testing-sim.drw
Using dawg for intergenic
regions, with parameter file intergenic.dawg
dawg intergenic.dawg > intergenic_tree_test.mfa
These are then combined with the following commands:
./ speciesMapping.txt intergenic_coordinates.txt dawg_output.mfa
./ SE0xx_dna.fa dawg/MSA > SE0xx_genome.fa
Running the second line over all 96 sequences.
Finally, the resulting alignments (DB files) are converted into reads and assembled:
pirs simulate -i DB/SE0xx_genome.fa -l 100 -x 50 -m 250 -v 80 -o reads/SE0xx --s 37 --e 81 --x 4 --t 1 -f '-shortPaired -fastq.gz -separate reads/SE0xx_100_250_1.fq.gz reads/SE0xx_100_250_2.fq.gz' -p SE0xx
Reads are mapped with bwa and called with samtools to produce and alignment:
bwa mem TIGR4_ref.fa SE0xx_1.fq.gz SE0xx_2.fq.gz | samtools fixmate -O bam - SE0xx.bam
samtools mpileup -C 50 -m 2 -F 0.0005 -d 1000 -t DP,SP -L 1000 -g -u -f TIGR4_ref.fa SE0xx.bam | bcftools call -vm -S samples.txt -O z -o SE0xx.vcf.gz
Associated data can be downloaded here.
Software and versions are documented in the paper. Distance matrices are converted to trees in the next step.
Command lines used, where appropriate:
andi -j -t 1 SE*.fa
./ roary/pan_genome_sequences 96 > dist_mat.txt
raxml binary data:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -m BINGAMMAI -p 12345 -s gene_presence_absence.fa -n gene_presence_absence
raxml other data:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T 4 -f d -s input.phy -m GTRGAMMA -p 12345 -n ml_mlst_alignment
with ascertainment bias correction:
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T 4 -f d -s input.phy -m ASC_GTRGAMMA -p 12345 -n ml_mlst_alignment --asc-corr=lewis
iqtree -s ../TIGR4_ref_bwa_snps.aln -nt 1 -pre gtr_g -m GTR+ASC+G
FastTree -nt -pseudo -fastest < TIGR4_ref_bwa.aln > tigr4_fasttree_fast.tree
FastTree -nt -gttr < TIGR4_ref_bwa.aln > tigr4_fasttree_slow.tree
mash sketch -o reference.msh *.fa
mash dist reference.msh reference.msh > mash_distances.txt
mpirun mb < mrbayes_long.txt
ls SE*.fa > assemblies.txt
./ assemblies.txt > ncd_distances.txt
parsnp -g Streptococcus_pneumoniae_TIGR4_v3.gbk -d ./assemblies -p 1 -c -x
progressiveCactus: assemblies.txt ./ ./simulation_alignment.hal --database kyoto_tycoon --maxThreads 16
hal2maf ./simulation_alignment.hal ./simulation_alignment.maf
./ --exclude Spn23F,TIGR4 -o simulation_alignment_fixed.aln
roary -p 4 -r *.gff
All code is in tree_compare.R
. The input trees can be downloaded from
figshare, or load the .rds
objects in the repo.
Comparison between the trees for real data is in mass_trees.R
Interactive plots can be knitted from the .rmd
files, or download the
resulting html from figshare.