How to export json for use in Dynamic Calc:

Step 1:

Install Ruby

Step 2:

Install Node:

Step 3:

Open your rom in the included pk3ds.exe

Step 4:

Export the following to the folder containing this file

Lvl_up_moves.txt from learnset editor

Mons.txt from personal editor

Moves.txt from move editor

Battles.txt from trainer editor

Do not change any file names

Step 5:

Navigate to the folder containing pk3ds in terminal/command line and run ruby parse.rb GEN

GEN is either 6 or 7

Step 6:

copy paste contents of output/npoint.json to Save your json document and copy the document id in the url image

Your calc is now viewable at

replace GEN with 6 or 7 depending on your game

replace COPY_DOCUMENT_ID_TO_HERE with your document id you copied earlier