
I am learning machine learning through python's pytorch package

Primary LanguagePython

PyTorch - Machine Learning from FreeCodeCamp

Introduction to Tensors


  • Integer
  • Lower case variable


  • Has a dimension of 1
  • Has a shape of 2
  • Lower case variable


  • Has a dimension of 2
  • Has a shape of 2
  • Matrix[1] first dimension gives the first brackets
  • Upper case variable
  • A matrix [3, 4] has 3 rows and 4 columns


  • Has dimension of [1, 3, 3]
  • This means the first dimension is a 3 x 3
  • Upper case variable
  • datatype is by default a float32

Random tensors

  • Important because the way many neural networks learn is that they start with tensors full of random numbers and then adjust the numbers to better represent the data

Random numbers -> look at data -> update random numbers -> look at data -> update random numbers

Image tensors

  • [3, 244, 244] represents colour encoding, height and width
  • 3 stands for red, green blue

Zeros and Ones

  • You can create a tensor of all zeroes to mask an existing tensor. More common
  • You can create a tensor of all ones

Range of tensors

  • uses arange()


  • create a tensor full of zeroes that has the same shape as another tensor use zeros_like()

Tensor Datatypes

  • default datatype for tensors even if you specify dtype as None, will always be float32. float32 and float16 are the most common
  • dtype is what the datatype of the tensor is eg float16, float32
  • device is what component tensor calculations will be done on
  • requires_grad is if you want gradients of a tensor to be tracked


  • How detailed something is represented
  • float32 means a number has 32 bits = single precision
  • float16 means a number has only 16 bits = half precision

Common errors

  • Tensors not right datatype. Use tensor.dtype
  • Tensors not right shape. Use tensor.shape
  • Tensors not on the right device. Use tensor.device

Multiplying different datatypes

  • Sometimes you will have errors and sometimes you wont

Manipulating tensors/operations

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication (element-wise)
  • Division
  • Matrix multiplication

Matrix multiplication (dot-product)

  • Most common tensor operation
  • Most common error will be shape mismatch
  • To calculate, multiply the rows by the columns
  • A 2x3 matrix dot product by a 3x2 will result in a 2x2 matrix
    • Inner dimensions must match
    • Resulting matrix has a shape of the outer dimensions

Matrix transpose

  • To fix tensor shape issues, we can manipulate the shape of the tensors using a transpose
  • Switches the axes or dimensions of a given tensor, for example
[7, 10],
[8, 11],
[9, 12]

will become

[7, 8, 9],
[10, 11, 12]

Min, max, mean, sum, etc

  • torch.min, torch.max
  • torch.mean but must be of float32 datatype to work
  • torch.sum
  • torch.argmin gives the index of the minimum
  • torch.argmax gives the index of the maximum

Reshaping, stacking, squeezing, unsqueezing

  • Reshaping = reshapes an input tensor to a defined shape
  • View = returns a view of an input tensor of certain shape but keeps the same memory as the original tensor
    • If you change the view, you will also change the original vector
  • Stacking = combine multiple tensors on top of eachother (hstack) or side by side (vstack)
  • Squeeze = removes all 1 dimensions from a tensor
  • Unsqueeze = add a 1 dimension to a target tensor
  • Permute = rearranges the dimensions of a target tensor in a specified order. Returns a view


  • Scientific python numerical computing library
  • Data is in NumPy but you usually want it into a PyTorch tensor
  • torch.from_numpy(ndarray)
  • torch.Tensor.numpy()
  • Numpy default datatype is float64
  • Tensor default datatype is float32
  • When converting from numpy -> Pytorch, Pytorch will reflect numpy's default datatype of float64
  • If you create a tensor from numpy you are create a new object in memory. Altering the original numpy data will not change new tensor


  • How a neural network learns is: start with random numbers -> tensor operations -> update random numbers to try and make them better representations of the data -> again -> again
  • to reduce randomness in neural networks and PyTorch comes the concept of a random seed
  • This is a 'flavour' of randomness
  • In PyTorch use manual_seed(). Call it each time you create a random tensor

Device-agnostic code

  • Might not always have access to a GPU. Use if available
  • Set device = "mps" if available otherwise default to "cpu"
  • GPU results in faster computations
  • Putting tensors on the mps or moving back to the cpu
  • Can't convert tensors on GPU/mps to numpy so need to convert to cpu first

PyTorch Workflow

  1. Get Data ready by turning it into tensors
  2. Build or pick a pretrained model
    • Pick a loss function & optimizer
    • Build a training loop
  3. Fit the model to the data and make a prediction
  4. Evaluate the model
  5. Improve through experimentation
  6. Save and reload trained model

Data can be anything

  • Excel spreadsheet
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Audio
  • DNA
  • Text

Machine learning has two main parts

  • Get data into a numerical representation
  • Build a model to learn patterns in that numerical representation

Linear Regression formula

  • y = mx + c
  • y is dependent variable
  • gradient is m
  • c is the intercept (0, y)

Linear Regression

  • Can use machine learning to determine how an input maps to its output

Splitting data into training and test sets (very important)

  1. Training set (60-80% of data)
  2. Validation set (10-20% of data)
  3. Test set (10-20% of data)

Visualisating data

  • Use matplotlib .show()

Linear regression model

  • Starts with random values (weight & bias)
  • Looks at training data and adjust the random values to better represent (or get closer to) the ideal values (weight & values we use to create the data)
  • Does this through two main algorithms
    • Gradient descent (requires_grad=True)
    • Backpropagation


  • Almost every model in PyTorch inherits from nn.Module
  • You need to override the forward() method

PyTorch model building essentials

  • torch.nn = buildings blocks for computational graphs (neural network can be considered a computational graph)
  • torch.nn.Paramter = what parameters should our model try and learn. Often a PyTorch layer from torch.nn will set these for us
  • torch.nn.Module = The base class for all neural network modules. If you subclass it, you should override forward()
  • torch.optim = where optimizers in PyTorch live
  • def forward() = Defines what happens in the forward computation

Import modules for each workflow step

  1. Get data ready (turn into tensors)

    • torchvision.transforms
    • torch.utils.data.Dataset
    • torch.utils.data.Dataloader
  2. Build or pick a pretrained model

    • torch.nn
    • torch.nn.Module
    • torchvision.models
    • torch.optim
  3. Fit mode to data and make prediction

  4. Evaluate the model

    • torchmetrics
  5. Improve through experimentation

    • torch.utils.tensorboard

Check contents of PyTorch model

  • We can look at model parameters using .parameters()

Make predictions

  • To check the model's predictive power, we want to see how well it predicts y_test abased on X_test
  • When we pass data through our model, its going to run it through the forward() method
  • torch.inference_mode() disables gradient tracking, so it will improve performance and go faster

Training a model (intuition building)

  • Training is for a model to move from some unknown parameters (may be random) to some known parameters
  • From a poor representation of the data to a better one
  • One way to measure how wrong your models predictions are is to use a loss function (cost function or criterion)

Things we need to train

  • Loss function
  • Optimizer : takes into account the loss of a model and adjusts the model's paramteres (e.g weight and bias) to improve the loss function
  • For PyTorch we need a training loops and a testing loop

Loss functions

  • L1Loss creates a loss function that measures the mean absolute error between each element in the input x and the target y


  • example is: torch.optim.SGD (stochasti gradient descent)
  • takes model.parameter
  • takes lr = learning rate which is the most important hyperparameter which we set ourselves
    • Higher learning rate means it will adjust the parameters more each step
    • Smaller learning rate means smaller the change in the parameter
  • Randomly changes the parameter values to minimum the loss value
  • When it finds a direction that minimizes the loss value it will continue in that direction

Building a training loop