
Advanced framework for managing images

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Advanced pure Swift framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images. It uses latest advancements in iOS SDK and doesn't reinvent existing technologies.

Nuke is a pipeline that loads images using multiple dependencies which can be injected in runtime.

Nuke.taskWithURL(URL) { 
    let image = $0.image 
  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. Design
  4. Installation
  5. Requirements
  6. Contribution


  • Zero config, yet immense customization and flexibility
  • Great performance even on outdated devices, asynchronous and thread safe
  • Optional Alamofire integration
  • Optional FLAnimatedImage integration
  • Instead of reinventing a caching methodology it relies on HTTP cache as defined in HTTP specification and caching implementation provided by Foundation
  • Caching is completely transparent to the client
  • Two cache layers, including top level memory cache for decompressed images
Decoding and Processing
  • Apply image filters
  • Background image decompression and scaling in a single step
  • Scale large images (~6000x4000 px) and prepare them for display with ease
  • Resize loaded images to fit displayed size
  • Image decoder composition
  • Image filter composition
  • Customize different parts of the framework using dependency injection

Getting Started

  • Download the latest release version
  • Experiment with Nuke APIs in a Swift playground
  • Take a look at the demo project, it's easy to install with pod try Nuke command
  • Install, import Nuke and enjoy!


Zero Config

Nuke.taskWithURL(imageURL) {
    let image = $0.image

Adding Request Options

var request = ImageRequest(URL: imageURL)
request.targetSize = CGSize(width: 300.0, height: 400.0) // Set target size in pixels
request.contentMode = .AspectFill

Nuke.taskWithRequest(request) {
    let image = $0.image // Image is resized

Using Image Response

Nuke.taskWithRequest(request) { response in
    switch response { // Response is an enum with associated values
    case let .Success(image, info): 
        // Use image and inspect info
    case let .Failure(error): 
        // Handle error

Using Image Task

let task = Nuke.taskWithURL(imageURL).resume()
let progress = task.progress // Track progress using NSProgress
let state = task.state // Track task state
task.completion { // Add multiple completions, even for completed task
    let image = $0.image
task.cancel() // Cancel image task


func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(cellReuseID, forIndexPath: indexPath)

    let imageView: ImageView = <#view#>

    return cell

Cancel image task as soon as the cell goes offscreen (optional):

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didEndDisplayingCell cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    let imageView: ImageView = <#view#>

Applying Filters

let filter1: ImageProcessing = <#filter#>
let filter2: ImageProcessing = <#filter#>
let filterComposition = ImageProcessorComposition(processors: [filter1, filter2])

var request = ImageRequest(URL: <#image_url#>)
request.processor = filterComposition

Nuke.taskWithRequest(request) {
    // Filters are applied, filtered image is stored in memory cache
    let image = $0.image

Composing Image Filters

let processor1: ImageProcessing = <#processor#>
let processor2: ImageProcessing = <#processor#>
let composition = ImageProcessorComposition(processors: [processor1, processor2])

Composing Image Decoders

let decoder1: ImageDecoding = <#decoder#>
let decoder2: ImageDecoding = <#decoder#>
let composition = ImageDecoderComposition(decoders: [decoder1, decoder2])

Preheating Images

let requests = [ImageRequest(URL: imageURL1), ImageRequest(URL: imageURL2)]
Nuke.startPreheatingImages(requests: requests)
Nuke.stopPreheatingImages(requests: requests)

Customizing Image Manager

let dataLoader: ImageDataLoading = <#data_loader#>
let decoder: ImageDecoding = <#decoder#>
let cache: ImageMemoryCaching = <#cache#>

let configuration = ImageManagerConfiguration(dataLoader: dataLoader, decoder: decoder, cache: cache)
ImageManager.shared = ImageManager(configuration: configuration)


Protocol Description
ImageManaging A high-level API for loading images
ImageDataLoading Performs loading of image data (NSData)
ImageDecoding Converts NSData to UIImage objects
ImageProcessing Processes decoded images
ImageMemoryCaching Stores processed images into memory cache



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. If you are not familiar with CocoaPods the best place to start would be CocoaPods guides. To install Nuke add a dependency in your Podfile:

# Podfile
# platform :ios, '8.0'
# platform :watchos, '2.0'
# use_frameworks!
pod 'Nuke'

By default it will install these subspecs (if they are available for your platform):

  • Nuke/Core - core classes
  • Nuke/UI - UI components

There are two more optional subspec:


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa projects. Nuke has a limitied Carthage support that doesn't feature FLAnimatedImage and Alamofire integration. To install Nuke add a dependency to your Cartfile:

github 'Nuke'


  • iOS 8.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 7.0+, Swift 2.0+


  • If you need help, use Stack Overflow. (Tag 'iosnuke')
  • If you'd like to ask a general question, use Stack Overflow.
  • If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reproduce it, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, branch of the develop branch and submit a pull request.



Nuke is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.