- BBBob
- BillYang2016Chongqing University
- cebarobotUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- DoragdByteDance
- EntropyIncreaserBeijing, China
- farwangChina
- fjzzq2002Cambridge, MA
- gzgywhUESTC
- Huntace86
- Ir1d@VITA-Group, UT Austin, PKU, @24OI
- j31234
- jiegec
- kcn999
- libkoiDept. Transport, Chireiden
- MenciMicrosoft
- moshibaUW Madison
- ouuanTsinghua University
- P2Oileenstepfun-research
- qinhanlei
- pre: @RedrockTeam @CQUPTMirror
- riba2534ByteDance
- RuanxingzhiHarbin Institute of Technology
- skylee03University of Hong Kong
- stratoes
- StudyingFatherBeijing Institute of Technology
- suxinde2009currently @MeetYouDevs,previously @meitu, @Yealink etc
- thirtisevenNVIDIA
- wangjiezhePeking University
- wxxlouisaZhejiang University
- Xeonacid@ComputerScienceHIT
- xjzsqSEU
- xsl19
- yjl9903Afterglow
- yuning01
- ywwywwywwETH Zürich