
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A simple and beautiful chart lib with animation used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS


PNChart works on iOS 6.0 and later version and is compatible with ARC projects. It depends on the following Apple frameworks, which should already be included with most Xcode templates:

  • Foundation.framework
  • UIKit.framework
  • CoreGraphics.framework
  • QuartzCore.framework

You will need LLVM 3.0 or later in order to build PNChart.



CocoaPods is the recommended way to add PNChart to your project.

  1. Add a pod entry for PNChart to your Podfile pod 'PNChart', '~> 0.3.2'
  2. Install the pod(s) by running pod install.
  3. Include PNChart wherever you need it with #import "PNChart.h".

Copy the PNChart folder to your project

  #import "PNChart.h"

  //For LineChart
  PNLineChart * lineChart = [[PNLineChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 135.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 200.0)];
  [lineChart setXLabels:@[@"SEP 1",@"SEP 2",@"SEP 3",@"SEP 4",@"SEP 5"]];

  // Line Chart No.1
  NSArray * data01Array = @[@60.1, @160.1, @126.4, @262.2, @186.2, @127.2, @176.2];
  PNLineChartData *data01 = [PNLineChartData new];
  data01.color = PNFreshGreen;
  data01.itemCount = lineChart.xLabels.count;
  data01.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {
      CGFloat yValue = [[data01Array objectAtIndex:index] floatValue];
      return [PNLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];
  // Line Chart No.2
  NSArray * data02Array = @[@20.1, @180.1, @26.4, @202.2, @126.2, @167.2, @276.2];
  PNLineChartData *data02 = [PNLineChartData new];
  data02.color = PNTwitterColor;
  data02.itemCount = lineChart.xLabels.count;
  data02.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {
      CGFloat yValue = [[data02Array objectAtIndex:index] floatValue];
      return [PNLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];

  lineChart.chartData = @[data01, data02];
  [lineChart strokeChart];

  #import "PNChart.h"

  //For BarChart
  PNBarChart * barChart = [[PNBarChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 135.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 200.0)];
  [barChart setXLabels:@[@"SEP 1",@"SEP 2",@"SEP 3",@"SEP 4",@"SEP 5"]];
  [barChart setYValues:@[@1,  @10, @2, @6, @3]];
  [barChart strokeChart];

#import "PNChart.h"

//For CircleChart

PNCircleChart * circleChart = [[PNCircleChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 80.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 100.0) andTotal:[NSNumber numberWithInt:100] andCurrent:[NSNumber numberWithInt:60]];
circleChart.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[circleChart setStrokeColor:PNGreen];
[circleChart strokeChart];


Currently callback only works on Linechart

  #import "PNChart.h"

//For LineChart

lineChart.delegate = self;

//For DelegateMethod

-(void)userClickedOnLineKeyPoint:(CGPoint)point lineIndex:(NSInteger)lineIndex andPointIndex:(NSInteger)pointIndex{
    NSLog(@"Click Key on line %f, %f line index is %d and point index is %d",point.x, point.y,(int)lineIndex, (int)pointIndex);

-(void)userClickedOnLinePoint:(CGPoint)point lineIndex:(NSInteger)lineIndex{
    NSLog(@"Click on line %f, %f, line index is %d",point.x, point.y, (int)lineIndex);


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.


@lexrus CocoaPods Spec