
Evaluate your Instruction-Tuned models on open Benchmarks, with just one command.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is for evaluating your Instruction-Tuned models on open benchmarks, with just one command. All datasets are transformed and evaluated through instruction tuning paradigm.

Currently supported tasks

  1. MMLU (56 subjects)
  2. TruthfulQA (mc1 , mc2)
  3. HellaSwag (same as HELM's test examples, without acc normalization)

All supported tasks are under ./data, you can add new dataset following the same json format. Pull request for adding new dataset is also welcomed.


conda create -n ieval python=3.10
conda activate ieval

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src/transformers
pip install -e .
pip install torch==2.0.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116 # set correct cuda verison
cd ../..


  1. One command evaluation
python ./api/run.py --llm_config_path=../configs/alpaca.yaml --dataset_json_path=../ieval/data/mmlu/ieval_mmlu_*.json --log_dir=../results/test

# --llm_config_path : llm config, generation config
# --dataset_json_path : dataset paths, support glob pattern matching
# --log_dir : dir to save the eval logs
  1. LLM instruction following service

First, set up a llm service

python ./api/serve.py --serving_config_path ./configs/alpaca.yaml --host --port 8080

# change serving_config_path to your own model config yaml file.

Second, make request to the llm service, you can following request format in test_serve.py to make requests

python ./api/test_serve.py --serving_config_path ./configs/alpaca.yaml --dataset_path ./data/mmlu/ieval_mmlu_college_biology.json --llm_service_address


  1. MMLU evaluation in one command
python ./api/run.py --llm_config_path=../configs/alpaca.yaml --dataset_json_path=../ieval/data/mmlu/ieval_mmlu_*.json --log_dir=../results/test


  1. enable few shots evaluation
  2. faster inference on local machine
  3. ieval run/interactive/serve client
  4. pip install ieval-instruction