How to migrate data from dev env to prod env

iRIC installer has two version: one for developers (dev), another for end users (prod).

The workflow is as follows:

  1. When releasing new version, it is at first registered at dev environment. iRIC developers test the new version.
  2. When we think it is OK, we distribute it at prod environment.

To do this, we follow the procedure below. To use it, you need python3 installed.

  1. run python
  2. Commit changes made by the script to server (remove old files from prod)
  3. run python
  4. Commit changes made by the script to server (copy files from dev to prod)

The process 3. takes some time, because you need to build repository for prod with slightly different setting than dev: It is to make iRIC shortcut on Desktop, with name "iRIC", not "iRIC(develop)".

When you've upgraded only solvers, not GUI, you should use python scripts with suffix "_no_gui_update". These scripts are faster, and consume less storage on subversion server.

How to build iRIC_Installer_dev.exe

Building offline installer

python offline

It will download from coda-forgae that will be needed to install numpy offline, then build offline installer.