An Ensemble Based Approach to Collaborative Filtering

Semester project for Computational Intelligence Lab by Jiasong Guo, Xiyi Chen, Pengxi Liu, Chuhao Feng. We ranked 3rd out of 16 teams on the private leaderboard for this in-class Kaggle challange.


To install all required packages, call:

pip install -r requirements.txt

List parameters and descriptions

To see all available parameters and their descriptions, simply call:

python --help


We provide examples for training each type of model, training a final model, cross validation, and blending. For each individual model, the parameters passed in are optimal. For more details on each model, check out our report. We provide a colab notebook Open In Colab that shows these training examples and results.


python --model_type 'svd' --model_name 'SVD_test' --rank_svd 9 --random_seed 42


python --model_type 'als' --model_name 'ALS_test' --rank_svd 9 --rank_als 3 --num_iterations 20 \
    --lambda_als 0.1 --random_seed 42 --save_pred_type 'full' --save_model

Iterative SVD

python --model_type 'iterative_svd' --model_name 'IterSVD_test' --shrinkage 38 \
    --num_iterations 15 --random_seed 42

Regularized + Biased SVD

python --model_type 'rbsvd' --model_name 'RBSVD_test' --num_iterations 50 --lambda1 0.075 --lambda2 0.04 \
    --init_lr 0.05 --lr_decay_rate 0.7 --decay_every 5 --rank_rbsvd 12 --use_user_bias --use_movie_bias --random_seed 42

Bayesian FM Base (Gibbs)

python --model_type 'bfm' --model_name 'BFM_base' \
    --num_iterations 500 --rank_bfm 10 --bfm_regressor 'blr' --random_seed 42

Bayesian FM Base + Implicit (Gibbs)

python --model_type 'bfm' --model_name 'BFM_base+implicit_blr_test' --bfm_use_iu --bfm_use_ii \
    --num_iterations 500 --rank_bfm 10 --bfm_regressor 'blr' --random_seed 42

Bayesian FM Base + Implicit (Ordinal Probit)

python --model_type 'bfm' --model_name 'BFM_base+implicit_op_test' --bfm_use_iu --bfm_use_ii \
    --num_iterations 500 --rank_bfm 10 --bfm_regressor 'op' --random_seed 42


python --model_type 'ae' --model_name 'AE_test' --lr_decay_rate 0.992 \
    --activation 'leakyrelu' --weight_init_type 'kaiming' --num_iterations 1000 --use_user_bias --random_seed 42 \
    --hidden_dimension 256 --latent_dimension 32

Variational Autoencoder

python --model_type 'vae' --model_name 'VAE_test' --lr_decay_rate 0.997 \
    --activation 'tanh' --weight_init_type 'xavier' --num_iterations 2000 --use_user_bias --random_seed 42 \
    --hidden_dimension 256 --latent_dimension 32 --beta_annealing_schedule 'cyclic' --beta_max 0.2 --M 100 \
    --R 0.5

Neural Collaborative Filtering

python --model_type ncf --model_name 'ncf_test' --init_lr 1e-3 --weight_decay_rate 1e-4 \
    --lr_decay_rate 0.97 --num_iterations 17 --batch_size 512 --user_code_length_ncf 128 \
    --movie_code_length_ncf 128 --multiplication_code_length_ncf 128 --feature_dropout_ncf 0.0 \
    --hidden_embeddingnet_ncf 256 128 --hidden_judgenet_ncf 256 128 \
    --dropouts_embeddingnet_ncf 0.05 0.1 0.1 --dropouts_judgenet_ncf 0.5 0.25

Example: Train a final model with all available data for submission

python --model_type 'vae' --model_name 'VAE_final' --lr_decay_rate 0.997 \
    --activation 'tanh' --weight_init_type 'xavier' --num_iterations 2000 --use_user_bias --random_seed 42 \
    --hidden_dimension 256 --latent_dimension 32 --beta_annealing_schedule 'cyclic' --beta_max 0.2 --M 100 \
    --R 0.5 --save_pred_type 'test_indices' --final_model

Example: Cross Validation for VAE

python --model_type 'vae' --model_name 'VAE_cv' --lr_decay_rate 0.997 \
    --activation 'tanh' --weight_init_type 'xavier' --num_iterations 2000 --use_user_bias --random_seed 42 \
    --hidden_dimension 256 --latent_dimension 32 --beta_annealing_schedule 'cyclic' --beta_max 0.2 --M 100 \
    --R 0.5 --save_model --save_pred_type 'full'


To blend predictions, you will first need to do cross validation on models you would like to include. The prediction results of cross validation should be saved in pred_folder. When blending, the model_names_blending should contain the values you used as model_name in for each model. The final_pred_names should contain the values you used as model_name when training the final model for each method.

The following is an example to blend two methods: BFM Base + Implicit (Ordinal Probit) and VAE.

python --model_name 'blended_final' --k_fold 10 --random_seed 42 --blender_model_type 'gb' \
    --model_types_blending 'bfm_base+implicit_op' 'vae' --model_names_blending 'BFM_Ordered_Probit_SVD++' 'VAE' \
    --final_pred_names 'BFM_OrderedProbit_full' 'VAE_full' --blend_for_submission

The directory structure should be:

├── $pred_folder
|   ├── BFM_Ordered_Probit_SVD++_fold_*.txt
|   ├── VAE_fold_*.txt
|   ├── BFM_OrderedProbit_full.txt
|   ├── VAE_full.txt

The following example blends all models but the two baseline methods (8 in total), which produces the lowest local CV score out of all models we tested. We refer to this model as Blending (Gradient Boosting) in the experiments.

python --model_name 'blended_final' --k_fold 10 --random_seed 42 --blender_model_type 'gb' \
    --model_types_blending 'ae' 'vae' 'bfm_base' 'bfm_base+implicit_blr' \ 
    'bfm_base+implicit_op' 'iterative_svd' 'rbsvd' 'ncf' \
    --model_names_blending 'AE_cv' 'VAE_cv' 'BFM_base_cv' 'BFM_SVD++_cv' 'BFM_Ordered_Probit_SVD++_cv' \ 
    'IterSVD_cv' 'RBSVD_cv' 'NCF_cv' \ 
    --final_pred_names 'AE_full' 'VAE_full' 'BFM_base_full' 'BFM_SVD++_full' 'BFM_OrderedProbit_full' \ 
    'IterSVD_full' 'RBSVD_full' 'NCF_full' --blend_for_submission

Generating predictions

To generate prediction files for single models, add flag --save_pred_type which is either 'full' (for full reconstructed 10000x1000 matrix) or 'test_indices' (only saving predictions for the test user and movies). To train a final model with all available training data and generate predictions for the test set, you can use --final_model --save_pred_type 'test_indices'.

To generate prediction files for blending multiple models, add flag --blend_for_submission.

Generate .csv file for submission

To generate a csv file for submission, specify save_pred_type and model_name For example:

python --save_pred_type 'test_indices' --model_name 'blended_final'

reads blended_final.txt from pred_folder and extract user and movie indices of the test set, and generate a csv file for submission.

Experiment results

Below are our experiment results. You can reproduce them by using random seed 42 for cross validation.

Method Local CV Score Public Test Score
SVD (baseline 1) 1.0081 1.0049
ALS (baseline 2) 0.9899 0.9874
Iterative SVD 0.9840 0.9816
Regularized + Biased SVD 0.9820 0.9788
Bayesian FM (Gibbs) 0.9779 0.9749
Bayesian FM Base + Implicit (Gibbs) 0.9715 0.9687
Bayesian FM Base + Implicit (Ordinal Probit) 0.9694 0.9672
Autoencoder 0.9791 0.9758
Variational Autoencoder 0.9769 0.9749
Neural Collaborative Filtering 0.9889 0.9856
Blending (Linear Regression) 0.9682 0.9659
Blending (XGBoost) 0.9676 0.9656
Blending (Gradient Boosting) 0.9674 0.9656