
find words with unique triple letter combos

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


find words with unique triple letter combos


this is a simple idea: to find all the words in english that have unique three-letter combos. these scripts will let you generate a list of those words.

if you want to skip straight to the output, I've already generated a list, which you can find in the output/output.js file. if you want to tweak settings and run this yourself to generate a new list, keep reading.

the basic steps to do this are:

  1. generate a list of all possible three-letter combos, which I call slugs
  2. evaluate each slug against a list of all common english words, searching for matches
  3. if there is more than 1 words that matches the slug, but fewer than 12 matches, save it

how to run

to get started, clone this repo and run npm install. there's only one dependency (the dictionary to use).

to generate a list of slugs (step 1 above), run node slug-generator.js. some variables you can tweak by editing that file directly:

  • the letters to use, by editing the array of letters (I use all 26)
  • the number of letters in a slug, by adding or removing a nested for loop (I use three)

by default, the output is written to ./output/slugs.js.

to generate a list of word matches (steps 2 and 3 above), run node index.js. some variables you can tweak by editing that file directly:

  • the commonness of the word list, by choosing which word lists to import (I used fairly common words)
  • the maximum number of word matches before discarding the slug (I use 12)

by default, the output is written to ./output/output.js.

playing triple, the game

you can run the node play.js script from the output/ directory to play a game. it gives you a random slug, and you have to come up with a word that contains it. you have 5 seconds. better hurry.

that's it

have fun. open an issue if you have any questions or comments.