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DevPillar is an open source resource library for Full Stack Developers, UI/UX Designers, and anyone in between. This started as a way to better organize my own bookmarks and resources, and has quickly grown into a fun project I've decided to push to open source.

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Contributions are welcome! Resources can be submitted through the submissions form on the website, or update the resources.ts file and /public images.

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50 Resources


Add submissions form

Scroll to top functionality for mobile users

OAuth providers (github)

User authentication.

User favourites & dashboard

Authenticate resources submissions

Privacy Policy, TOS

Add sorting methods to profile

Search functionality

Add sorting and filter to search

❌ Recently Added collection (last week - 2 weeks)

❌ More/Better categories

❌ Spice up newsletter welcome email

❌ Revamp submission form

❌ 100 resources.

❌ 250 resources.

❌ 500 resources!

(❌: Not ready yet. ✅ Complete.)

Created by Noah Pittman