RASA - An open source conversational AI Rasa is an open source machine learning framework to automate text-and voice-based conversations. With Rasa, you can build chatbots on:
- Facebook Messenger
- Slack
- Microsoft Bot Framework
- Rocket.Chat
- Mattermost
- Telegram
- Twilio
- Your own custom conversational channels
or voice assistants as:
- Alexa Skills
- Google Home Actions
Rasa's primary purpose is to help you build contextual, layered conversations with lots of back-and-forth. To have a real conversation, you need to have some memory and build on things that were said earlier. Rasa lets you do that in a scalable way.
It is a CONVERSATIONAL AI which takes the interview of a candidate. it is easiest and quick way to inform the candidates about their selection or the next steps in the Process.
It's a hyphothtesis of How interview chatbot will work
i am uploading my file you can download from here (https://github.com/i-am-rohit/RASA/blob/master/interview.zip) for a view.
BEFORE DOWNLOADING THIS FILE MAKE AN VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT(STRONGLY RECOMMEND) AND INSTALL REQUIREMENTS.txt(https://github.com/i-am-rohit/RASA/blob/master/requirements.txt) using PIP and from command "RASA X" You Can Overview How a INTERVIEW_CHATBOT Works
IF YOU ARE NEW IN RASA YOU CAN LEARN RASA PLATFORM FROM HERE : (https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/user-guide/installation/)