
[Old] A type safe client interface for SignalR in C#

Primary LanguageC#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A type safe client interface for SignalR in C#

The HubClient uses two interface types which should be shared with your hub: Requests and Events. Events are calls made from the Hub to the Client. Requests are calls made from the Client to the Hub.

Contracts and Hub

For this readme, we assume a Hub like:

    public class MyHub : Hub, IRequests, IEvents
        . . .

With the two interfaces:

    public interface IRequests {
        void IWantStuff(string[] kindsOfStuff);
        int HowManyClients();

    public interface IEvents {
        void StuffAvailable(string stuff);
        void SessionExpired();

Then, on the client side:


    var conn = new HubConnection("http://localhost:8080/"); // replace with your Hub's location

    conn.TransportConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
    conn.TraceLevel = TraceLevels.All;
    conn.TraceWriter = Console.Out

    var proxy = conn.CreateHubProxy("MyHub"); // replace with your hub name or hub class name

    var connection = conn.Start();

    if (!connection.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))
        throw new TimeoutException("Could not connect to " + endpoint);

    _client = new HubClient<IRequests, IEvents>(proxy, conn);

Hooking up events

These bindings

    _client.BindEventHandler<string>(hub => hub.StuffAvailable, HandleIncomingStuff);
    _client.BindEventHandler(hub => hub.SessionExpired, AlertSessionExpired);

will call these methods

    void HandleIncomingStuff(string stuff) { . . . }
    void AlertSessionExpired() { . . . }

Sending Requests

For calls that have no return use SendToHub. For calls requiring a synchronous result, use RequestFromHub.

    _client.SendToHub(hub => hub.IWantStuff(new []{"stuff1", "stuff2"}));

    var clients = _client.RequestFromHub(hub => hub.HowManyClients());