- Needs an instance of ARGH running locally because there's some amount of shenanigans blocking urllib requests from hitting the public endpoint...
- No other dependencies except PIL aka PILLOW, the Python Image Library.
- Not exactly documented at all.
curl 'https://argh.tweeter.workers.dev/tw/timeline?username=infra_naut&since=2021-05-01&until=2021-07-01&limit=100000&indent=2' -o infra.may-june.json
python3 engagement.py infra_naut infra.may-june.json
curl --data-binary @infra_naut.png https://public.getpost.workers.dev
- Document things, actually.
- Refactor until the codebase is plausibly intelligible.
- Score timeline events like Orbit, rather than merely summing mentions, retweets, mentions, and replies evenly.
- Fix the weird demand on ARGH running locally. Not sure why this is so hard...
- Add caching until the server load isn't too heavy.
- Turn into a serverless project so other people can enjoy the nice dataviz.