
Modification of the plotly charts to adapt linear gradient coloring fill

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Modification of the plotly charts to adapt linear gradient coloring fill

1. Technology

For the charts we use a simple D3.js based library called Plotly.

JavaScript Plotly Documentation here

2. Simple Line Graph Example

We start by simply adding a div object in our html file.

    <!-- Import Plotly.js Library -->
    <script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>

   <!-- The div container for our graph, specify the id -->
   <div id="myDiv"></div>


In the script section we create the variable that will hold the data and specify the graph type.

var data = {
    type: 'scatter',
    x: xDataAray, // e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4]
    y: yDataArray // e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Note that the x and the y variable must have the same dimension.

To change the styling of the graph we could simply add fields to our data variable

var data = {
    type: 'scatter', 
    x: xDataArray,
    y: yDataArray,
    mode: 'lines',
    line: {
      color: 'rgb(55, 128, 191)', // line color
      width: 3  // line width in pixels
    fill: 'tozeroy' // fill the area underneath the graph

Now specify the layout

var layout = {
  title: 'My Line Chart',
  width: 500, // graph width in pixels
  height: 300, // graph height in pixels
  margin: {
    t: 40, // top margin in pixels
    l: 20, // left margin in pixels
    r: 20, // right margin in pixels
    b: 10 // bottom margin in pixels

Other layout fields described here

Finally, to plot the line graph simply add the code snippet below where myDiv specifies the div container's id that will be holding the graph.

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', [data], layout);
Simple Line Chart

Other line graph variations and examples could be found here

3. Linear Gradient Colors Explained

The file Charts.js contains the supported color schemes in the variable colormaps. The function addGrad in the Charts.js allows to smooth the transition between colors depending on the values. This allows to for better visualisation of the data.

For each graph the line color and the fill color are computed dynamically depending on the thresholds we define and the color map we choose.

Let's change the coloring of the graph.

Add the library Charts.js to the html <head> by adding the code snippet to the head.

   <script src="Charts.js"></script>

Then define the thresholds and choose the color map to be used in the <script> section.

   var lowerThreshold = 15;
   var upperThreshold = 23;
   var colorMap = 'viridis'; // look at the supported colormaps

Then we call the addGrad function to add the linearGradient stop-colors to the graph

   var graphId = 'myDiv'; // specify the graph for which linear gradient colors are added
   addGrad(lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, xDataArray, yDataArray, graphId, colorMap);

Then update the graph by calling the updateGrad function

Linear Gradient Colors Line Chart

4. How to Add New Color Maps

I would highly recommend using this website to create your own linear gradient colors. You need to specify exactly three colors that suit together.

  • The first color indicates when the sensor's values are very close to or below the lower limit (low)
  • The second color indicates the desired state of the sensor's data (desired)
  • The third color indicates when the sensor's values are very close to or above the upper limit (high)

Then add this to the colormap variable in the Charts.js file as an array of 3 integers where each integer corresponds to the color channel RGB.

  'myColorMap' : {
    'color1' : [0, 0, 255],    // low
    'color2' : [20, 225, 34],  // desired
    'color3' : [255, 0, 0]     // high

Then follow the steps from the previous section

   var colorMap = 'myColorMap'; // choose your own colormap id

   addGrad(lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, xDataArray, yDataArray, graphId, colorMap);