
BitNorm web application backend code. Post-receive hook test 3.


[X] Create endpoint to fetch complete coins [X] Create endpoint to fetch partial coins [X] Create users schema [X] Create endpoint for user registration [X] Create endpoint to update a user's access group [u] Create endpoint to update a user's display name [X] Create endpoint to delete a user [u] Create endpoint to change user password [X] Create endpoint to reset a user's password [X] Create user login endpoint [X] Create access group schema [X] Create endpoint to create new access groups [X] Create endpoint to get all access groups [X] Create endpoint to update an access group [X] Create endpoint to delete a permission from an access group [X] Create endpoint to delete access groups [X] Create votes schema [X] Create endpoint to vote on coin [X] Create endpoint to retrieve a coin's votes [X] Create technology schema [X] Create endpoint to add technology [X] Create endpoint to upvote a technology [X] Create endpoint to get all technologies [X] Create endpoint to update a technology [X] Create endpoint to delete technologies [-] Create endpoint to comment on a technology [ ] Create team schema [ ] Create endpoint for team creation [ ] Automate subdomain creation for team [ ] Blog support under team's subdomain [ ] RSS support under team's subdomain [ ] Source code development / repository support under team's subdomain

Clarification needed

  • Allow for hiring of developers
  • Launch new technology in launching section
  • Users can advertise their technologies using banners

Under a domain

  • Blog
  • Main chat
  • Topic chats